Start Anew

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Today would be the the day Joshua would see Seungcheol.

"Please... Let me make it up to you, Seungcheol-ssi. For acting the way I did yesterday." Joshua had stuttered out the day before, wishing Jihoon was there, glaring and pinching him encouragingly.

Seungcheol smiled, made Joshua's knees go weak and his cheeks flush. "Okay. You can do that by meeting me at Shining Cafe. It's really good and better than talking here." The black haired man said, gesturing around him.

"Like a... Like a date or...?" Joshua squeaked out.

Seungcheol smiled again and this time, Joshua's knees did give out and he fell into the empty seat behind him. "Yes. I mean... If you want it to be."

Josh really, really wanted it to be.

"But... Don't you-don't you have a boyfriend?"

Seungcheol cocked his head to the side, long eyelashes and wide eyes making Joshua's heart flutter. He could go on and on on how beautiful Seungcheol looked with the morning sunlight hitting his face in just the right angles and making him look ethereal, the way his eyelashes cast shadows over his cheeks, the way his lips were red and chapped, his skin smooth and glowing with warmth which made Joshua feel like it was spring instead of winter, and the way Seungcheol's jacket wasn't buttoned up all the way and Joshua would've been worried about Seungcheol getting sick or something, but that mole above his collar bone was distracti-

"-ssi? Jisoo-ssi?"

Joshua blinked out of his reverie, heat spreading through his face in shame.

"I'm sorry! I was-"

Stop sixty-six on Sixth Street, please board off carefully.

Seungcheol's mouth was turned down at the corners, his eyes filled with regret as he heard the announcers voice fill the air.

"I... I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

Seungcheol turned around and Joshua reached out, hand hovering in the air before it fell back into his lap.

"Yeah. Okay." He whispered to himself.

So here Joshua was-leg bouncing up and down, fingers tapping gently against the table, mouth dry, and with no answer to the question if Seungcheol was taken.

(It was his own fault for not paying attention.)


Joshua turned his head, smile breaking his face in half as he saw Seungcheol's flushed face from the cold wind outside. The white scarf he had wrapped around his neck was a bit too long, covering most of his face but Joshua could still see the way his cheeks and eyes curved up as he smiled underneath the layers of cloth.

"Seungcheol-ssi, how are you?"

Seungcheol tugged down his scarf to reveal a boy-ish smile. "I'm fine, thank you for asking. How are you yourself?"

Joshua smiled sheepishly. "A bit nervous, if I'm honest."

Seungcheol smiled reassuringly, taking a seat across Joshua. The waiter hurried over to place two drinks on their table, looking overwhelmed when Seungcheol smiled in thanks.

Relatable, Joshua thinks.

"I... I don't know what you like so..."

"It's fine. Don't worry."

There was a tense silence before Seungcheol cleared his throat.

"Jeonghan is just my best friend."


"The guys that you saw me with? The one with long hair? He's my best friend."

"Oh. Now I feel... silly." Josh said with a sigh.

Seungcheol gave him a dorky smile-dimples showing and Joshua swears that was the day his soul left his body-in return for the blush adorning his face.

"Actually... The day he came with me was the day I was going to finally approach you."

Joshua groaned. "Now, I feel stupid." Joshua paused, biting his lip. "So... Seungcheol-ssi. What's if we..."

"If we what?"

"What if we start over? No hitting, screaming, cursing or being creepy."

"Alright." Seungcheol said with his dimples out for show, stretching out his hand to shake Joshua's. "Hi, my name is Choi Seungcheol."

"Hello. I'm Hong Jisoo. It's a pleasure to meet you, Seungcheol-ssi."

"Please... Just call me Seungcheol." Seungcheol laughed, deep and like velvet, and Joshua felt the floor give in under his chair.

Then they began to fall,



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