Chapter 32: It will all be okay.

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I slowly walked down the stairs, Cloe behind me.

Entering the kitchen i saw Michael, happy and joyful.

It was hard to believe he wrote that letter not even half a year ago.

Clearing my throat i slammed the letter on the table, “Care to explain this?”

He quickly turned around and looked at me, confused and worried.

“What do you mean?” He said and i picked up the letter and shoved it in his face.

“THIS!! This, the fact that you almost killed yourself!!!!” I was full on angry now but i was also full on crying.

I dont know what was going on but i was feeling emotions i never felt before, axciety that he would leave me and worry, most of all worry that he would try again.

“I…..Uhmm…..I..” He stammerd, looking from me to Cloe who was still at the door.

I saw her mouth a ‘Im so sorry.’

I broke down in tears, slowly falling on my knees on the cold kitchen floor.

Suddenly i felt a pair of arms around me, slowly rocking me back and forth.

“Im sorry. Im sorry. Im sorry. Im sorry. Im sorry.” He kept repeating it on and on.

“Please, just tell me you wont leave or hurt yourself.”

“I promise i will not leave you and i promise that i wont hurt myself or you anymore. I love you.”

I felt slithly better because of his words but i couldnt stop crying.

“Please calm down love, this isnt good for you or the babys.”

I tried but i couldnt, i just couldnt.

And then i heard someone starting to hum, it was a familiar sound and as soon as i realised it was Stardust i started to calm down.

Michael picked me up and layed me down on the couch.

Then he walked of to the kitchen, i think to talk to Cloe.


I cant believe Cloe told her and even showed her the letter!

So after i layed Emily down ont he couch i hurried back to Cloe who was still shocked.

“Why the hell did you tell her?”

“I thought it as the best because we saw the wall with the pictures and the song lyrics and she was going on ang on that you did this amazing things for her and that she thought she could never overdo that so i had to show her because now she knows what she means to you becausse she doesnt believe she is as amazing to you as people see she is.”

I was speechless, she did have a reasn to show Emily that and it was a good one.

“Im sorry for getting mad, i think i should have told her earlier.”

I could feel a tear roll down my cheek and in a matter of seconds i was fully crying.

Cloe pulled me into a hug, “Shh, you know i think she is actually proud of you that you overwon the urgue to do it again.”

And with that we heard faint footsteps towards the kitchen, it was Emily.

“Its true, what she said. Because you had the strenght to not try it again, i hadnt.”

I pulled her into a hug and Cloe too, i hope its only going to be happy times from now on.



Its been over 5 months of the pregnancy now and im feeling so happy, i cant believe this is my life.

Although one of the babys is still a little small compared to the other they arent worried.

I hope its all going to be okay but i just know it will.

Cloe and my mum are just the best, everytime they come by they got me or new sets of babyclothes or toys and stuff like that.

Now me and Cloe were watching a movie, The Notebook to be excact, and eating icecream.

“So how are you? I mean, just you. Not the babys, not Michael, just you.” Cloe asked.

“Im good, really. A little scared though but thats fine, it will all be okay.”

Emily [A MIKA Fanfic] ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin