Chapter 28: why?

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"Are they okay?" I asked softly.

He started crying harder, "Im sorry, im so sorry but...."

EMILY'S POV.......

Omg, NO, this isnt happening!

"Are they gone?" I asked in a small voice.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"The babys? Are they gone? Because you just apologized for some unknown reason when i asked if they were okay."

"Im sorry, i wasnt talking about the babys. I guess i didnt hear your question," He said, "They are fine, there were some things but they sorted it out now, they are okay."

He tried to calm me down because i was freaking out right now, why did he apologize when they were okay?

"Why did you apologize then? Because i thought there was something wrong with the babys."

"I apologized because i wasnt there to protect you from it and now you are in here because i wasnt there." He said starting to cry again.

I put my hand on his cheek and looked ar him, "Love, nobody knew that this was going to happen, we are okay now. All four of us, yeah?"

He smiled a little smile at me but there was still anger in his eyes i couldnt place.

I led it rest and tried to move to my back because i was laying sideways now and it was uncomfortable but when i did i felt pain go through my whole body.

"You cant turn on your back love, you are hurt the most there." He said softly.

"Why though? Because he only kicked me in my stomach."

He sighed and looked at like i missed something important and then it hit me, the knife.

What did he do with it? He could just have killed me.

"What happend to the knife he got?"

"He cut something on your back," he whispered, "Thats why you cant lay on your back."

"What?" I asked in disbelief, how could do someone do something like that well it was Nathan so he could.

"What does it say?" I asked carefull.

"7." he said looking up at me.

I stared at him, shocked and most of all hurt.

"Im sorry. Its all my fault, i shouldnt have done it." I cried.

He looked at me with a curious and confused expresion on his face, "What do you mean?"

"You know about my past right? About Nathan, the raping, his friends and the beating wich almost killed me?" I said and he nodded slightly anger running through his body.

"Well, i went to the police after that beating and reported it. They arrested him and he got a jail sentence from 7 years."

He looked at me with shock and still confused.

"It has already been 7 years since it happend." I whispered.

He jumped up in anger, "It was him? He did this to you again? Im going to kill him."

I was shocked with the sudden outburst and i started crying again.

He sat down on the chair next to me again, " Im sorry if i scared you love, i didnt mean to. Shh i wont leave you."

I sighed in relief and gestured for him to sit next to me on the bed.

He came on to the bed and i sat up, i was surprised that didnt hurt and he took me in his lap.

Emily [A MIKA Fanfic] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now