Airplane Sunrise

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Okay, I am dedicating this chapter to three people.  Yeah, I know a lot but they deserve it.

AaronRobinson, he was the first to add my story to his library!  I seriously did a happy dance when I found out!

Sheep_girl13, I love this girl, she helped to promote my story and has been so nice to me.  Not to mention her work is completely INCREDIBLE!

xXdemolitionloverXx, she commented on every chapter of mine, and I love her stories!

Okay now that that's out of the way, 3 votes please!  Thank you, also I am not indenting on this chapter, and I want to know which way you like more.  Indenting or not indenting, thanks a ton!

Not edited.... sorry for my laziness :(


                                                         Chapter 3: Airplane Sunrise

I snuggled into the window seat, trying to get comfortable.  The airplane seats were unnaturally stiff, straight, and small.  They did have cushioning on them though, and I winced at the thought of them without it.  To think, I had nineteen hours of this to go.  I buckled my seatbelt and placed my purse on the seat next to me.                                                                                                             

Thankfully, no one was sitting next to me.  I was not in the mood to strike up any form of conversation.  It didn’t matter if Beyonce’, Justin Bieber, or Taylor Lautner sat next to me.  I wouldn’t talk.  I mentally chuckled at that thought.  That would be a needed blow to their egos.  I probably couldn’t say that about Ian Somerhalder though.  If he commanded me to sit like a dog and beg, you better believe I would.  I would pant for a hug too.  But for anyone else, be prepared to talk to an uncooperating teen.  After introducing herself, I introduced myself back to B.J. and that was that.  We didn’t instantly giggle and tell each other our life stories like you see in those movies.  The only thing I knew about B.J. was that her real name was Beatrice Jane, she was flying to England for some reason, and she had shoulder length blonde hair, with crystal blue eyes, and was somewhere from the deep south.  With an accent like that, she couldn’t be from anywhere else.                                                                                                                    

After telling her that I was Melanie, in a monotone voice, she got the hint that I was in no mood to converse and turned back around in her seat to stare a hole into the opposite wall. I didn’t know if she was hurt or mad, but by the rigidness of her shoulders, I guessed she wasn’t in the happiest state.  I felt kind of bad that she was getting the short end of the stick because of my attitude but I wasn’t happy enough to really care about anything in the moment.  Usually I would be nicer, maybe not talk as much because I was shy, but I wouldn’t have been as rude with that clipped voice that I had, especially when she was nice enough to lend her shoulder for me to cry on. I had to make sure to find her and apologize to her when I felt better so that I could assure her that it wasn’t that I didn’t like her, it was just I was going through some tough stuff when she tried to make conversation.  I nodded to myself, hopefully she would get it.

As I looked around the plane, I realized that it wasn’t that packed at all for how big it was.  There were maybe fifteen passengers, give or take a couple, and we were all spread out which didn’t help to the feeling of solitude that I currently had.  Most of the passengers looked to be business men.  Some were texting on blackberries or on their laptops, while others were on their Bluetooths, their lips moving fast.  It was kind of weird seeing that.  It kind of looked like they were talking to themselves.  I chuckled slightly.  Of course I would see the hardworking business men as lunatics.  Aside from me, B.J. looked to be the youngest passenger, and I wondered where she was headed to.  Maybe visiting family or friends?  But it seemed like a weird time to visit friends, especially since school was starting soon and she looked to be college aged.                                                                                                                                                                                               

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