The Best Summer

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Hola!  This chapter is dedicated to rachel123 for being the first to comment and being extremely nice to me!  She is so sweet, no joke!  If I lived where she does we would be best friends!  Anways, most of this chapter is written as the day after Mel's senior year ended.  She was remembering it, that's why it is italicized :)  2 comments and 2 votes please! Thank you for reading!  I wasn't too happy with this chapter but oh well.  I'm gonna stop now!  Reid is gorgeous.  Sorry had to wipe the drool off of my face ;)

P.S. Not edited... sorry :(


                                                               Chapter 2: The Best Summer

  I clambered down the front stairs, my excitement reaching a new high.  Today was going to be perfect.  Reid and I were going on a road trip in his 1975 black model mustang to some really fun place for a week.  It always reminded me of Damon’s car from The Vampire Diaries, so I absolutely loved riding in it.  If it was one person I loved other than Reid on this planet was Ian Somerhalder.  God, his eyes mesmerized me!  Reid told me a couple of days ago that this summer was going to be dedicated to us so to start out the ‘perfect summer’ he was taking me to a place that I apparently really wanted to go to. I urged him to tell me what that place was because I had a long list of places I wanted to go.  I would have guessed as best as I could but because of that annoying reason I couldn’t.  I pleaded for him to tell me where but for once he seemed to be  immune to my puppy dog stare and set his foot down to not tell me.  He wanted it to be a surprise so I had to wait.  Until today.  I was beyond excited and I couldn’t remember the last time I felt so happy about the future.                                                         

 I dashed by the circular, wall mirror in my haste to get to the kitchen, but ran backwards to stare at myself.  I looked like a completely different person.   My aura held a different feel to it.  Maybe it was the fact that today, was the first day in seven years that I felt whole?  Felt happy?  My usually pale pallor seemed to glow in the sunlight.  It wasn’t sick looking and I beamed at that thought.  My brown eyes seemed to glow and if I looked hard enough, I thought I could find a small trace of a blush.  The natural kind, not the type that happened way too frequently when I was embarrassed or overly nervous.  I even stood a little straighter.  Hhmm?  Maybe my curves were a bit curvier than I thought.                                                                                                                 

 With a departing smile, I strode to the kitchen with a newfound confidence.  Yes, today was the day I would laugh and smile a little more.  Thanks to Reid.  I rooted around my kitchen for any decent food to quickly make but came up short. I needed to go grocery shopping.  We were almost out of everything.  We had the bare essentials like milk and bread, but that was it, and I refused to eat cereal.  It tasted and felt too much like slime for my liking.  Especially if you didn’t eat it fast enough and it had time to sog up.  I wrinkled my nose due to the disgusting thoughts and turned on my heel, heading for my secret stash behind the cans of soup in the soup cabinet.  Yes, we had so much soup that we had an entire cabinet for it.  It wasn’t for me though.  I stocked up on it, like we were preparing for some horrible natural disaster because it was really simple and easy to make.  My mom couldn’t cook anything except soup now, which really wasn’t even cooking just a matter of heating up the soup on the stove, so I knew that she wouldn’t starve just incase I wasn’t there for her.                                                                                                                                                                     

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