MJ Fantasy ~ Mirror Image ~ Part 2

Start from the beginning

And she will, later on. She's the type of mom who can worry herself to death. . . she's that type of person. She overthinks everything . . . someitmes she even doubts that Mike truly respects and loves her, which is ridiculous. Of course he loves her but he's giving her a hard time believing it.. Something must've went totally wrong with him when he was younger.

My dad takes a sip from his wine and tries to kill the awkward silence with something totally random. "I saw a baby kitten today on my way to work" My mom's eyes light up. She loves baby kittens. "You did?? awwww, where? did you pet it?"

"It was dead  . . on the side of the road"

She slaps his arm.

"Don't you do that to me, Joe!!! that's so mean!!! I hate when you do that!!! . . NO dessert for you tonight, Michael and Mike can eat it all!!!"

When my mom says that, she means it. . I can't help but laugh . . 

 ~ Mike's point of view ~

After dinner I walk outside to have a smoke. Mom follows me . . I bet she wants to talk. . . like she always does. . about every single thing. . . . . . "Honey, can we talk?" She takes the cigarette out of my hand and throws it away. "I know what you're gonna say, mom. . . you know I love you! sorry for being late!" - "I'm having a hard time beliving this, Mike . . I really do"

She has tears in her eyes . . gosh . . why does she have to be so sensitive about everything? "You can believe it, mom. . . just because I hang around with girls a lot, doesn't mean I don't care about anything else" - "Mike . . it has gotten out of hand . . there are girls going in and out of your apartment daily . . . that's not how I raised you. . . why can't you find a girl and settle down? why do you have to have so many?"

"Mom. . come on . . why do you even have to bring this up? this is how I live . . it's not happening under your roof, so why do you even care?"

 "You ask me why I care?? I'm gonna tell you right now young man . . I CARE because you're my son!!! you dumbass!" She walks back inside the house angrily . . . . I see Michael looking at me . . . I bet he will come out here any second . . . . yup . . and here he is. 

He sits down on the chair across from me eating his caramel candy. "What were you and mom talking about? she came inside crying. . ." - "Michael you know what she talked about . . she has a problem with the way I live . . I don't see a problem with it . . I don't get why she even cares" - "You don't get a lot of things, Mike . . ."

"I'm going home, good night" - "Why? . . we're haven't had dessert yet!" - "You can have mine" I walk outside and realize that Michael drove us here . . . DAMN . . . I walk back inside and ask him for the keys. "No, I'm not giving you the keys!"

"Come on . . I'll pick you up later" - "Yea right . . no . . forget it! you're not driving my car! take the bus if you wanna go home so badly . . but I would stay if I were you . ."  

~ Michael's point of view ~

I can't believe he left . . . I don't get what his problem is . . I really don't. Mom is so upset about his behavior . . . it's not that she wants to stick her nose in our business but she's been having a hard time with the way Mike lives for quite a while now . . . 

3 hours later . . . 

I'm back home now. . the food was amazing, mom is a great cook. Whenever Mike and I are invited to our parent's house we eat way too much. I take a quick shower and lay down on the couch. I don't think there's something good on TV. . .

(MY PHONE RINGS) . . . it's Mike. . . I pick up:


"Michael are you in bed?  . . I need your help. . it's important" 

"No I'm still up . . . why? what happened?" 

"I'm at the gas station. . getting gas . . but I left my wallet at home . . I have no cash with me, no cash in the car . . nothing . . can you please come over here and help me out?"

"Alright . . I'm on my way" 

I get dressed, grab my car keys and drive to the gas station. . . . I don't know what he would do without me. I park my car next to his. "Thanks for coming, I meat it Michael" - "It's ok. . you're welcome" I walk inside and pay for the gas. . . . on my way back to the car I see two women standing next to Mike . . He is talking to them.

"There he is . . that's my twin brother Michael" The two women take a closer look at me.
"Wow . . you two look exactly the same! that's so crazy!!!!"

I smile at them and open my car door. "I'm going back home now, take care" - "Come on Michael. . stay for a little bit" I get back out of the car. . . . Those two girls are fascinated by us. . I really don't know what's so fascinating about being twins. We just look alike, that's all. "You two have the exact same dark brown eyes . . wow!" I notice Mike taking her hand and pulling her up to him . . . .

Her friend gives me a shy smile. "You're really handsome. . I've seen twins before but not like you two . . you guys are really really handsome. . . and sexy" - "Thank you, that's very nice" . . . I look to my right, I can't blieve Michael is actually kissing her right now . . . . . her friend looks at her. . . then she walks closer to me and grabs my face.

I push her back. "Wooooo . . what are you doing?" - "I'm sorry, I thought . . umm . . you might wanna . . you know . . have some fun" - "Thanks, for offering but I have to pass . . come on Mike, let's go back home, I'm sure your wife misses you" She lets go of him instantly

"You are married? . . wow . . what a jerk!!!!" She grabs her friend's arm and walks away with her . . . . Mike looks at me "Why did you do that?" - "You had sex with Cassandra earlier . . . don't you think this is wrong?" - "No! . . why? . . I'm young . . I wanna live my life" - "Well . . I'm the same age as you and I don't do that stuff and still live my life"

 "You're too shy, that's your problem Michael . . I am not . .
the girls are throwing themselves at me . . what am I supposed to do?" 

"Umm . . say no, maybe?" Mike laughs "You're jealous of me . . admit it Michael" I let out a laugh "Jealous of you?? No . . definitely not" - "Yea right . . don't you wanna have a different pussy every night like I do?" I shake my head "UMM . . NO . . not really . . I would like to have ONE" He laughs "Yea right . . you're too shy Michael . . that's why you're not getting any. . . you have no clue about women. . you know nothing about them that's why you don't understand me"

"Yea, that's why. . . alright, good night!"

I start the car and drive away . . I don't like it when he starts talking like that . . . he knows it hurts me. I am a shy kind of guy but that's not the reason why I don't have sex as often as he does. I respect women, I don't wanna treat them as if they were a piece of meat or something . . when I have sex I wanna be in love and feel good with that person . . . . it hurts me when he says stuff like that 'cause I can't help that I'm shy . . . I stop at the red light . . I see in the rearview mirror that he's right behind me . . . why is he following me? that's not his way home . . . . 

~ to be continued ~

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