A sleepy, tousled hair Lauren, blinked back sleep, and pushed up her window. Leaning out, she looked onto her empty back lawn. She was just about to pull her head back in when she heard a quiet voice whisper up to her.

"Lo? Lauren? It's me."

Squinting to try to make her out, Lauren called back, "Camila? Is that you?"

"Of course, it's me. Now get down here or get me up there. I don't care which."

Lauren thought about it before replying. "I'll be right down."

Half a minute later, Lauren opened the kitchen door and came out carrying a folded quilt and a small electric lantern. She gave Camila a quick peck on the cheek and grabbing her hand, without saying a word, dragged her up to the top of the tree house.

"Whoa, Lo. Über Tarzan, don't ya think?", Camila gasped before Lauren pulled her into a soul-wrenchingly hot kiss.

She pulled away from her only long enough to throw the quilt on the floor. If there had ever been a question as to why they were here, seeing that quilt on the floor removed all doubt. Lauren pulled her down with her and started kissing and worshiping her, inch by inch. A kiss to her forehead, "I", left eyelid, "missed", right eyelid, "you", tip of her nose, "today."

Camila could only manage a muffled, "Me, too."

Lauren's sensual emerald eyes were boring into hers and Camila realized that finally, they weren't going to be interrupted. This realization caused her to become suddenly shy and somewhat wary. Nervously, she looked around the rustic room to find some distraction.

"Wow, I haven't been up here in a long time."

"Nope." Lauren leaned in and licked the sensitive spot directly under her ear. She remembered her reaction from the airplane. Pausing for one second, she added, "You're still the only girl to ever be up here. Remember? This is where we..."

"Kissed", Camila sighed as the tingling in her neck was quickly radiating out to her entire body.

"Yeah, my first real kiss."

"Our first real kiss", Camila corrected her. "Oh, what the hell!" She roughly grabbed her head and brought her lips to hers, giving as good as she got.

Ten minutes later, they had worked themselves into a near feral state, kissing and nipping at each other with abandon. Camila, clad in only her panties, reached up for Lauren's sweats, and commented with a breathless giggle, "Good... no buttons."

"I put them in Mom's donate box yesterday."

As she pushed the fleece off her hips, Camila gasped when she saw she had gone commando.

"Oh my Lord."

Camila reached down and took her in her, suddenly shaking, hand and gasped again when she realized that her small fingers came nowhere close to encompassing her. Then, how on earth would it fit, she thought fleetingly before Lauren abruptly stilled her hand with her own.

"Stop", she commanded.

Shy, unsure Camila popped back up and asked, "D-did I do something wrong?"

"Noooo... oh God, noooo. But I want to be inside you when ... well, you know ... and if you keep doing that, it's going to be over before it starts."

"Oh. Well, that's good. That I wasn't doing anything wrong, that is."

Lauren tugged experimentally on her bikini panties and Camila lifted her hips so she could pull them completely off. They both paused then and took deep, simultaneous breaths which caused them to giggle, also simultaneously. Then, their eyes met again and there was no more giggling. Lauren held most of her body weight up, not wanting to crush her, but leaned her head down and gently kissed her kiss-swollen lips.

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