Chapter 2

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Sonic and the Chaos Kingdom


By: Cutegirlmayra (Holy molly, this is gonna be a GREAT story! :DDDD –remembers the plot- oh no...

Oh dear....

You're all gonna cry a lot.)

That night, Sonic hadn't returned to his room, instead, he had retired to the library, where he opened the book that had dubbed him king.

As he walked over and lazily flopped himself down on a seat, he let the moonlight hit the book through a rather large window consisting of three pillars with sharp tips at the end, all plastered together to make a really beautiful window that resembled a palace almost.

He continued to flip through the book, until reaching more of the legend within it.

However.... It is said that the immortal prince did not grow up evil. The scientist had a young granddaughter, whom the prince had grown very fond of as one of his closest friends.

This young human girl was sadly killed during an invasion by the Chaos Kingdom, and rumor has it that one of the knights threw his spear, and sadly, it struck her when she ran out to protect the prince.

In his rage, he tortured and killed many for the murder of his only true friend.

The scientist went mad as well, as he swore to find a cure to death, but only ended up killing himself with his own experiments.

The immortal prince vowed to revenge the young human girl by any means necessary, and he has tried to take over the kingdom and end the blood line of his father's foes ever sense...

Now begins the rules of the People-

Sonic closed the book, and leaned back in his chair, letting himself fall down in it as he looked outside. "...So. You didn't really care about the war and the fighting for power... did you?" he sighed, rubbing his head as someone barged open the door, and seemed to gasp for air as they looked around the room.

"Oh Sonic!" Tails gasped out, and finally let himself fall to his knees, walking over to Sonic in the darkness. "I was worried sick when they said you didn't return to your room..."

"I'm not escaping... not now anyway." Sonic... kinda reassured his friend, and looked away from him toward the window, holding a hand up to his chin to keep his head stationed there, and lifting a leg over his other one as his ankle remained on the others knee.

"...What are you reading?" Tails saw the book's title shine slightly in the moonlight, and his eyes widened. "...Are you reading the rules?"

"No... just looking back over the legend." He admitted, and took the book and tossed it to Tails. "I'm bored with it again." He stated, and smiled.

"Wh-hey!" Tails fumbled a little, but finally secured the book in his hands. "Are you crazy!? This book is centuries old! And sacred! It holds the laws, rules, regulations, legends, and statues of old! You can't just toss it around-"

"I realize you want to be Royal Historian Tails... but give it a rest." Sonic wasn't in the mood for this right now, as he shifted in his chair, laying his head back and putting his hands to each armrest, lowering his leg down from the other too, and seeming very bored. "Don't you have enough titles on your head as it is?"

"..Sonic." Tails looked insulted slightly, and walked over to put the book back on in it's glassed box and pillowed seating. "If you really hate all my jobs, you could fire me. And besides that, if the book bores you so much, why do you read it so often? At least twice a week." He shut the glassing around it and tapped the glass. "I really wish this was more heavily guarded..." he muttered, "If I was Royal Historian... I would keep it safe and out of sight..."

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