Chapter 12

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Sonic and the Chaos Kingdom


(...Buckle up.)

Amy was soon whisked away by her maid-friends and put before tutors, stylists, and taken to every etiquette lesson in the known world! She was bombarded for a week on end with unparalleled lesson after lesson.

Finally, it was the night before the actual wedding was suppose to commence, and she hadn't seen Sonic through all of that.

She was exhausted, to say the least.

She was wearing a noblewoman's clothes that not only choked her from the tight upper collar but also forced her stomach to rearrange where its organs went to make it fit, figuratively of course.

She was wearing a cherry pink dress that shined as it went down, and was sleeping quite beautifully, with small huffs of air that cutely rang in the large study room.

Her final lesson wasn't government, economy, social preparedness, or anything else ridiculous like that.

It was History and the Science of the Emeralds.


Loads of fun!

A light tap came on the table, as Amy blinked her eyes slowly awake before raising her body up punctually, standing with the form of an elite woman and quickly started spouting out royal jargon before she heard the voice of a familiar friend.

"Amy, it's okay, it's me."

Amy turned her head slightly to see Tails smiling, wearing his father's tutoring attire that just happened to finally fit him for the first time, and looking proudly and loving to her.

He stuck out his chest, hoping she would notice his new uniform.

Her face lit up at a friendly sight, "Tails! It's you! It's really you!" she leaped at a diagonal angle from the table over to him, letting her lower half rest on the table as she squeezed him tight. Even a leg daintily lifted up to show her enthusiasm.

"A-Amy! I'm.. I'm glad to see you too."

Tails was squeezed so tight that he literally sounded like a girl for a second, before Amy let go, and he was able to breathe properly again.

He coughed, "Ehem! Phew... looks like you've been through a lot."

He smiled kindly, but he knew that all the knowledge getting shoved into her head so quickly must have been demanding on her.

"Oh, you have no idea!"

Amy moved back over to her seat, having to bob a bit like a seal moving back into the ocean, what with her dress making her so stiff and barely able to bend, before letting her hands slide on the table as she rested her head on the table and to the side.

"I've had to learn more than just court hearings, that's for sure." At least she knew that part.

Tails let out a sympathy laugh, "It's not all great shoes and princess dresses, is it?"

He then opened his eyes and said what was really in his heart though, "I'm just glad that Sonic picked from his heart, and that it wasn't up to me to make the decision. You really are a remarkable friend, Amy! Not only are you saving Sonic from probably the worst dethroning this kingdom has ever seen from his stubbornness and pride, but you're also saving the kingdom by giving them someone they adore and can look up to and find assurance in! The council was literally rejoicing when they heard your name as the choice. It's just... well, it's just perfect! I never thought as kids it'd ever end up like this but..."

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