Chapter 1

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Sonic and the Chaos Kingdom

Ch. 1

By: Cutegirlmayra(Apparently Previews are against the rules for fanfiction, :( So I'll have to write this early... This will NOT BE CONTINUED until Sonic Supers! Is done. I WAS going to write it today, but now I'm scared they may ban me or something if I don't get a chapter up T-T )

Far beyond rolling hills of brown checkerboard squares and green grass covered in spinning windmill flowers come the land known to all the people as...

The Chaos Kingdom!

Loved for its mysterious power of Chaos, with its beautiful Chaos Emeralds and Master Emerald, the land is prosperous and glorious.

There is much trade in this beautiful and ever shifting and changing world, as the Royals made up this land for peace and adventure! The first family? A very brave and heroic lot of hedgehogs.

However, this family, along with many other species of animals, had to choose a ruler.

The two leaders of the exploration, also being two hedgehogs, agreed to split the land into a fair cut.

However, over the years the other side grew greedy and wicked, and planned to take the land for themselves.

Hurt by their betrayal, the first king of the Chaos Kingdom banished the other hedgehog, as he vowed to take the whole of the Chaos Kingdom as his own!

To assure his victory the next time, the king bore a son, and had a scientist enhance him with unspeakable powers, even the very power... of chaos.

The son became immortal, and has ruled over the land for many scores of years. However... the real power lies in his Royal Adviser, who is the descendant of the scientist, and because of his influence over the son, he has declared the land as The Eggman Empire.

However long and hard the battle has become, the sons of the good king continue to rise and defeat the immortal Prince of the Eggman Kingdom, as will the next king... on his 23rd birthday be crowned the next good, just, and righteous ruler over the blessed land... of the Chaos Kingdom.


"Really, my child. You mustn't be so rude about your family's history."


The Queen sighed, closing the book as her bouncing son got right back out of his covers, and raced around the edge of his bed, leaping and spin dashing all around.

"You are, without a doubt, the most rudest child I've ever met!" The Queen couldn't help but smile, "Although I do think the story is a bit exaggerated." She put the book down as her son leapt into her arms.

"I'm not rude! I'm brutally honest." He swung his spiny head to the side, giving her a cheeky grin.

"Alright, my brutally honest little prince." She nuzzled his nose, making him try and swat her away, not liking the affectionate action apparently. "It's time for bed." She lifted him up and placed him back in the covers, but he kicked and squirmed the whole time.

"Mooommm! I can't go to bed NOWW! I got a kingdom to save! I've gotta kick that prince back to his own kingdom and go explore the uncharted lands outside the border line!" The prince continued to struggle, as the mother giggled and rolled her eyes, before finally pushing the covers to his sides down, and keeping him still.

She lowered her head close to his and kissed his nose. "That will have to wait, my little hero, for when you are older and more ready for such things." She got up and lowered the light next to her, as the prince huffed and pouted, folding his arms and looking rightfully cross.

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