Chapter 4: EHHHH?! MOTHER?!

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Third POV

Few hours earlier…

Nanami woke up in an unknown place when she heard someone spoke. “Not yet.”

“Not yet.”

“Ooh! She’s awake!”

“Hey, human.”

“Wanna eat a centipede?”

“AHHHH!” She screamed when she saw centipede few inch away from her face.

“Morning,  miss Nanami.” A Yokai approach, stopped in front of her with a kind smile, “Thank you for saving me at your school the other day.”

“You’re… I  saw you at school just now!”

He smile at her, “I’m Mizuki, the familiar here at the Yonomori shrine.” He bow, “I hope to get along with you for as long as we shall live.”

“For as long as we shall live?” She said, clueless.

The twin spirits exclaimed in excitement, throwing petals around her, “Oh, joyous day~!”

“Master Mizuki, Japan’s greatest familiar has taken a bride~!”

“Let us get right to the wedding!”

That was until she realized and freak out, “Hey! Don’t just proceed without consulting me!!”

Mizuki still smiling ever so sweet, ignoring her protest and introduced the spirits shrine, “They are the spirits of this shrine. And the settled in her place back there behind you is the god of this shrine, Lady Yonomori.” He pointed.

“The god?” she looked behind.

“Lady Yonomori wishes me her best in my marriage, too.” He bend in front of her and his hand in front of her, “Come, Miss Nanami.”

Immediately she slapped his hand away from her, sternly replied “No.” she stood up, “And I’m not getting married!”

He blinked his eyes innocently but still smiling cutely, “Oh,  but the mark on your wrist is kind of like our engagement ring--” He was cut by Nanami outburst “I’m going home!”

“Really…?” He grinned, “Then why don’t you try going home? If you can, that is.” He smirked.

‘What’s with this guys?!’ She exclaimed in her mind.

She got out from the shrine and ran away into the forest followed the road… but every time she turned and turned, she would always ended up where the same shrine was. She felt anxious, there’s no way out and she ran again, again, again until it began to dark outside. Feeling exhausted from running around, she collapsed her knee in front of the shrine where Mizuki was standing, waiting with a lamp in his hand.

“No way…” she breath out.

Time skip~~

Sitting outside of the shrine, staring at the blooming blossom in daze, “It’s not the season for plum blossoms right now but they’re blooming. We’re not in the real world here, are we?”

“That’s right. That plum tree is always just like it is now. I stopped time when it was at its most beautiful because that plum tree is Lady Yonomori’s favorite.” He spoke before sighed, “…It’s also mother’s favorite too…” he murmured quietly.

Knowing that Nanami was beside him, she could heard him clearly. ‘Mother? So he had a mother? I wonder… He looks sad when he mention his mother. Maybe he missed her?’ She was about to ask about it but she couldn’t, doesn’t want to bother about his personal matter.

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