You Find Out He's A Vampire And He First Bites You

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Your back was against the wall when he got close to your face the drunk man said,"You're too cute for words." You were so scared right now and you shut your eyes tightly until you heard the man shout in pain until he dropped dead at your feet. You looked at your saviour and it was Reiji but his eyes was glowing red and he had blood running down his mouth. The horror got too much for you and you then fainted. You were expecting to hit the ground until you fell into someone's arms. After a few minutes passed, you opened your eyes and you stared at the ceiling and you knew where you were.

You sat up slowly and you shook your head and said,"What happened? How did I get here?" Just then you heard a familiar voice say,"So you're awake at last my dear." You looked at the source of the voice and there he was, Reiji was sitting there on the couch and for some reason he looked a bit disgusted with himself. You sat on the edge of his bed and you said,"Reiji, so it wasn't a dream, you're a...a vampire." Reiji looked at you and he said,"Are you afraid of me now? you should be myself and my brothers are creatures of the night, if you value your life you would leave right now."

It broke your heart just hearing Reiji say those things in front of you and yet, you weren't afraid of him nor what he is. You got off the bed and you walked over towards him and you wrapped your arms around his head and you pulled him towards your chest which shocked Reiji the most. He tried to struggle out of your grip but you held him tightly and said,"I'm not afraid of you, after dating you for a few months I always knew that deep down that you were somehow different to everyone else." Reiji stopped struggling and he started to relax in your arms and he then said,"But (Y/n), you should be afraid of me, I'm a vampire and as a vampire I've been craving for your blood for the last few months since we've been dating I try my best not to bite you but-"

You cupped his face and said,"Reiji enough!!" Reiji was shocked at the tone of your voice. You then said,"Listen to me, I don't care if you're a vampire or a human all I care about is that you're the Reiji that I know and love." Reiji look soften and he said,"Do you mean it? I still don't believe you." You sighed and you then mumbled,"Fine, maybe this will make you believe me." Reiji looked at you and you exposed your neck and said,"If you still hunger for my blood then go ahead and bite me."

Reiji couldn't hold back anymore so he grabs you and he pinned you down on the couch and he leaned towards your neck and he said,"There will be some pain, this is your last chance to back down." You looked at him and said,"I don't care, if you love me then bite me if it'll make you believe that I still love you so much no matter what you are." Reiji leaned to your neck and he licked your neck making a moan escape your lips and Reiji then bit down on your soft skin on your neck.

You gritted your teeth in pain and you held back a moan as Reiji fed from you. Reiji held your hand as he fed from you and he did his best to make you comfortable as possible so that the pain didn't bothered you too much as you felt Reiji rubbed your side with his other hand. Reiji pulled away from your neck and he licked up the rest of the blood that bled out of your neck. You looked at Reiji and you said,"Do you believe me now Reiji?" Reiji looked at you and he stroked your cheek and he said,"I do now, thank you for accepting me for who I am."

Reiji said as he presses his forehead against yours and he kisses you on the lips. Reiji pulled away and he said,"I love you, I'll be looking forward to tasting you again my dear." You smiled at him and he got off you and you tried to get up but felt a little weak from having your blood sucked so Reiji let you rest your head on his lap for a while.


Ayato had been acting strange for the last few days now. Ayato stopped coming to basketball practise and he had been ignoring your calls as well. You were sitting at the basketball bench until you saw Ayato coming into the basketball hall. You looked up and when he saw you he looked away from you. You sighed and you said,"Why have you been ignoring me?" Ayato didn't answer you and you threw the basketball at his head and you got his attention. Ayato looked at you and you said,"Don't ignore me! What's going on with you?! Why have you been ignoring me?!"

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