Horrible truth

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Hey . If i was gone for a long time. You would know that maybe im never coming back. There's a secret i've been keeping from you for a long time. Cause it's hard for people to believe. But you would believe me right?

Actually I didnt come from the same world with you. Im from a world beside you. The places in my world are the same with you but the universe is different. I may now be standing at your house in my world. But you won't see me, and neither can I. But hard to tell you that your house from my world is an empty house. Just like my house from your world is a haunted house. My family is rich, and my ancestors left me a magical mirror and a magical music sheet. If i play it in front of the mirror , i appeared in your world just by stepping through the mirror after i finished. And i could only be seen by the person first in my sight when i first came. And there was you. My angel. :) You said in September the haunted house would be torn down right? So i guess it's a goodbye now.. I love you so much Zaynie. Dont forget me. xoxo

Love Louis

Zayn fell on his knees. Staring at the horrible truth with disbelievement. He dashed out of the house towards the haunted house without any hesitation. Tears streaming out of his head, praying that the workers werent yet to start torning down the house.

Memories started to flashed in Zayn's head.

The time when Niall couldnt see Louis.

The time when he saw Louis went into the alley.

The time when Louis sat in the music class and the teacher acted like she didnt even see a random student inside her class.

The time when the teacher thought Zayn played and sang at the same time.

The time....when he passed notes to Louis, instead Liam got it..

He was such an idiot for not noticing all of that..

Zayn raced off , not daring to stop until he came to the haunted house. That's why it's haunted ...piano..it's Louis and his ancestors...

The workers had already beginning to activate the machine to torn down the house. Zayn dashed up the stairs and found Louis' room, with a mirror, and a beautiful piano lying there. It was full of dust, comfirming that Louis had not come for a long while.

A sound of bricks crashing was heard. That made Zayn jolt. He tried to remove the mirror from the wall anxiously. But he couldnt. It was stuck.. And that was when the machine crashed through the walls destroying everything including the mirror. Zayn was only centimetres away from the critical machine. He managed to dodge it. But he cried out as he saw the mirror crashed in pieces. He simply picked a piece of broken mirror before running out of the house. Just in time as he ran out, the whole house collasped.

And now here he was, covering with bruises and cuts. Black from the dust and clutching desperately at the piece of mirror. He stared inside the mirror..but he saw nothing.

Zayn kept blaming himself for not retrieving the mirror sooner, mostly, for not discovering the note sooner!

He broke in tears.. Sitting beside the road, screaming desperately for Louis.

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