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Chapter 7:

Zayn had ended his art class and was heading to music lesson , his next favourite lesson. Only a few students choose the lesson because most of the top students probably doesnt want to waste any study time on music. Zayn entered the class and sat down at his usual place. There were only eight students in the class , so the students got to use the music classes seperately. So, you could play your own music in your own room privately.

Zayn noticed someone unusual in the class. Someone he never saw before. Maybe a new addition to the class of eight? Zayn nudged closer to have a good look at the brunette , who was reading a book while listening to headphones. The boy seemed to notice and turned his head to Zayn's direction. Wow.. the boy sure was hot.. with a wavy brown hair, brown hazel eyes like him, and a small pouted lips.

"Hi.." the boy reached out his hand.
" Im Liam. New in the class. You are?"
" Im Zayn. Nice to meet you." Zayn reached up to shake his hand.
"I dont have any friends. Care if i sit next to you?"

Liam grabbed his belongings and sat next to Zayn. He sat so close, that their shoulders brushed against each other and his face nearly touching Zayn. Zayn was startled and jerked away . Liam stared at him with his brown eyes and leaned forward to his ears , nearly brushing it , whispering with his seducive voice.

"Sorry lad. Im used to being close with my FRIENDS. Do you care anyway?"

" Er..n.n.no..." Zayn stuttered, looking away.

"Nice. I like your style of speaking."
Liam said turning his head to continue his reading.

Zayn moved uncomfortably to adjust their distance, thinking... such a weird guy...

The lesson then started in a few minutes and the students each moved to their own music rooms. Zayn stood up to head to room number 8 when Liam spoke.

"Can we use a same music room anyway?
"Erm.. i dont think so..."
"Alright nevermine. Go on then"

Zayn didnt think twice before dashing into the room and slammed the door shut. "i definetely do not wish to be in same room with him!" Zayn huffed out . And then he noticed someone was already sitting on the piano , staring at him.

"Im used to being close to my friends, do you care anyway? hmm?"
Louis mimicked Liam with an amusing voice.

"Hey Louis! Well no i dont care, with you." Zayn chuckled at Louis' jealousy. He was surprised to see him here too.

"Why are you here? Louis?"
"Why? Dont want me to be here? hmm?" Said Louis still using the amusing voice.
"No ofcourse! I want you here! " Zayn laughed.
" But arent you supposed to be in History?" Zayn continued.
"Wow ickle Zaynie memorized my timetables! Sweet.. I skipped my lessons to be with you! Surprise?" Louis asked , hands spread out.
" Yeah surprise.."
Zayn smiled leading Louis to the piano.

"You play it?"
"Yeah " Louis answered while arranging his swift hands on the piano before playing it. Fingers moving gracefully on the keys, peaceful music began to slipped out of the piano. Zayn recognised the song and opened his mouth to sing with it.

"You were mine for the summer, now we know it's nearly over. Feels like snow in September , but i always will remember.."

A playful smile appeared on Louis lips as he play. This Zaynie really had an amazing voice..

After they finished ,they both gave each other a round of applause. Giggling, Louis gave a peck on Zayn's lips and then drew away . But Zayn got hold of Louis and pulled him back for a longer kiss. They shared a passionate kiss, nibbling each others soft lips . But then they were interrupted by the opening of the door. They jerked away from each other, startled as the door, revealing the music teacher smiling at Zayn.

"Zayn. I never knew you could play and sing that well. Nice song to hear. Hope you keep up with your playing."
And then she walked out.

Question marks floated in Zayn's head. Didnt the teacher just caught them kissing? And it wasn't him playing either.. maybe the teacher was confused, that's all..

"Erm Zayn ? I gotta go." Said Louis kissing Zayn's forehead before he left.
Zayn shrugged and got up for his next lesson. It was nice..the feeling of Louis' lips on his. Glad he pulled Louis back.

School ended as Zayn skipped out of the school, only to find Louis waiting for him outside the gate.

"Hey why are you always that fast?"
"Dont know." said Louis giggling.
"Let's go.."

They chatted a lot until they reacher a junction in their neighbourhood.

"Erm Zayn. My house is that way." Said Louis pointing to the left.

"Okay bye." he waved as Louis walked down the street.

The left side of the junction was a few bungalows which seldom people could afford. Did Louis live in one of them? Hmm..Louis never wanted to talk about his home..maybe he doesnt want Zayn to know that he's rich..
But then he saw Louis turned right into an alley.

Zayn's eyes widen. At the end of the alley was a haunted bungalow! Haunted! Why did Louis go there? He turned to run for Louis until he realised maybe he had just crossed Louis' privacy.. Louis didnt want him to know where he lived..

Zayn then burried the curiousy back into himself and walked back to his home sweet home.

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