The secret location we shared together

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Chapter 5:

"Come on Louis! We're almost on the top!"
The two boys took some time to climb up to a little hill behind the woods. They were both panting, out of breath.
Louis was awed by the beautiful scenery on the top of the hill. There, you could watch the sun rise in the morning or the sun disappear under the clouds.

"Lou? You like it?"
"It was.. breathtaking.." Louis said.. His eyes were full of tears. Zayn was shocked by his reaction. He never meant for the older lad to cry..
"Louis!..why are you crying?"
"Because it's's also my secret place to spend time.."
"Hmm? i never saw you here? but nevermind. See the clouds over there ? Shaped like a puppy . hehe" Zayn laughed pointing at a certain cloud.

Not long afterwards, the sunset slowly appeared. Both boys were paralized by the beauty of the sunset. Louis turned to stare at Zayn for a long time until Zayn turned his head too. Their eyes studying each other slowly. And that's when Zayn began to lean in. Lips still yet to brush Louis's lips before the older lad pressed in, connecting their soft lips.

Zayn tensed up as their lips met. It wasnt a rough one, instead it was a sweet, confusing little kiss. They broke apart after mere few seconds. Louis appeared to be smiling at Zayn. Zayn smiled back. After the sunset, Louis claimed that he should go home, and wandered off mumbling a soft goodbye.

Zayn sighed and turned around to head home. Why was something so magical happening to him. He doesnt understand..why he would kiss a boy.. and a boy he just met three days.. It was so frustrating. To find Louis so mysterious yet stunning.

He then spent what's left if the day staring blankly..daydreaming and couldnt hear anything else.

"Zayn Javadd Malik! How many times had I shouted for you to come down for dinner?!" Zayn's mum stomped up the stairs yelling her lungs out.

"Huh?..." Zayn awoken from his daydream.

" I said....dinner is ready...dear lord..did you really had fever or your head knocked on something hard?" Zayn's mum stared at her blank son with disbelivement.

"No..its nothing. Im coming down.." Zayn mumbled.

After finishing his dinner , Zayn took a stroll outside his garden to relax for a bit. His mind kept replaying the scene of Louis and him kissing. Now thinking of it, it sure was romantic kissing during a sunset. And it was his first kiss.. Louis stold his first kiss.. Zayn blushed and accidentely let out a small foolish giggle.

"Wait..snapped out of it! Why am i acting like a girl? So embarrasing!" Zayn was furious..

Yeah that's what the gorgeous lad turned him into.. A falling in love stupid teenage girl..

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