Chapter four

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My head snaps around so fast my hair ends up in my face as my hands try to put the knife back in its home. My eyes land on the man in the door I hadn't heard open and the way the shadows sit on his face tell me it's the living statue from inside.

'Curious as a cat but clever as a wolf is wise. A fox is both playful and feisty, fierce and timid.' He continues as he steps into the vehicle and moves gracefully into the seat. He sits back and while I can't see his eyes I know they are locked on mine as I turn to keep my eyes on him and try to place his voice.

My eyes widen in shock as I realize he is the Delta that came to my rescue inside and then my eyes drop to the floor as it clicks that they call him Delta for his high ranking in his pack and must be a very dangerous man to have earned it and kept it. For the Delta position is one that is won not inherited.

'I'm sorry, Delta. I should not have been snooping.' I mumble an apology as I tucked my tail close and fidget my fingers in its grey tip. Already it feels natural to do this nervous habit. Noticing how close we are and how much room his frame takes up I slide slowly back and stop only when I am on the dog bed.

'Pet, come here.' He orders and I go to stand to walk over to him but am cut off. 'I didn't say to stand. I said to come here. Unless told otherwise or outside you will crawl, even when completely alone you will crawl on all fours. Do you understand, Pet?'

'Yes, Delta.' I get on my hands and knees and crawl towards him. Stopping when my face is six inches away from his knees. My tail is tucked low and the jacket is covering my back and butt while my boobs sway with my movement.

'Take off that jacket. You will only ever wear what I provide you with and I can promise you it will be made of leather or lace, nothing else.' He waits as I sit back on my heals and remove the jacket.

'Also besides crawling you will always keep your eyes down and your tail up.' He stops to grab my chin in a firm hold. His callused fingers gentle with the promise to be rough when needed. 'Nothing will ever hide what is mine from me. And you are MINE.' His fingers squeeze my chin in a show of dominance as I nod slightly.

He releases my face and points to the floor to my left where there is a storage compartment in the floor. 'In there you will find the clothes I want you to where whenever we get in this car you are to strip and trade those clothes for the ones in there. You will only wear what is in there so if there is nothing you will wear nothing.'

I nod and move to open the latch looking at him for permission. He nods and I lift the lid to see black leather and lace folded neatly inside. I pull out the clothes and set them in my lap before closing the lid and start to look at the outfit. The first thing I lift up looks like a jacket that was cut off below the sleeves. It's leather and has a collar that laces closed and long sleeves. I set it aside and pick up a corset it's mostly lace with leather around what feels like steel ribbing and if I'm not mistaken there is enough ribbing in the cups for my boobs that it will hold them out like an offering on a plate to this hungry wolf they call Delta.

I set it down by the jacket and pick up the last item. A pair of leather and lace pants. These are reveling and modest at the same time there are four strips of leather separated by strips of lace. From the looks of it the leather parts will cover the fronts and backs of my legs while the lace will cover the outside and inside of them.

There are two things that catch my attention most about the pants. The first being that the crotch and butt are lace and the second is that both the front and back have laces instead of a zipper.

I lick my lips and whisper to myself 'why would they make pants that can face either way?'

'You have a tail now, remeber' came the mildly amused voice of Delta. I jumped slightly having forgotten he was there and Blush at my silliness as my ears twitch and my tail wraps closer around my hip. 'The longer laced part is the back.'

I nod and flip them around. 'We don't have all night put your clothes on Pet.' I nod and start with the pants keeping in mind the low ceiling of the pilot and that I'm not allowed to stand anyway. I slide my legs in and pull them up to above my knees before kneeling to pull them up the rest of the way. When I reach for the laces a growl stops me and I look at Delta, swallowing a lump in my throat as I try to figure out if he scares me or arouses me.

'I am the only one who ties or unties you in anyway. Put everything on and then I will tie it.'

I nod and grab the corset it's loose so I slide it on like a shirt and it falls into place but my boobs aren't sitting right and I turn red as I reach in and adjust them into their steel barred leather and lace cage. Lastly I shrug into the jacket and look at Delta.

'Turn and raise up on your knees.' I do as I'm told and feel two big hands grb my hips and pull me back towards the chair. I feel that my feet and calves are under the seat that is now against my back. 'Hold still, Pet. It will take some getting used to but I refuse to go easy on you. I'd much rather you learn how things are going to be from the start.'

With that his hands go to the laces at the front of my pants and I try to move back but am stopped by a growl and the chair at my back. I am helpless as he does up the laces and ties them so tight the holes almost overlap. Then a hand pushes on my neck and I fall forward catching myself before my face hits the floor and stay there not wanting to anger the wolf who is currently lacing up the back of my pants.

When he gets to the top of my pants he doesn't tie the laces off. Instead he grabs a handful of my hair and pulls me back up onto my knees. He then laces it thru the last two rows of holes on my corset before tieing it off and starting on the corset laces. Having seen women in them before I hold my breath as he pulls the laces tight as he moves from one row to the next. At the top of the corset he again grabs my hair this time to move it out of his way so he can run the laces thru two more rows at the back of my jacket.

'Turn around and sit for me like you did inside when you were first unchained. Look into my eyes.'

I shuffle forwards and turn to face him locking my eyes to his as I lower my butt to the floor and sit how I had before. Because of his hight I have to raise my chin to meet his eyes exposing my throat. He smiles and never once takes his eyes off mine as he laces up the collar on my jacket and ties it tight enough it's like a dog collar that almost needs to be loosened.

'Good girl, Pet. Now go sit on your cushion we need to get going. And unless told otherwise you will sit just as you are now, it doesn't matter where, what, when, or who if told to sit this is how.' With that he flicked his eyes towards the bed dismissing me and I nodded before turning and crawling away my tail hanging behind me.

I had barely crawled two steps when I felt a stinging snap on the leather covered portion on my butt. I turned to look behind me and caught sight of a whips tongue flicking out before there was another snap on my other cheek. 'Ouch!'

I reached a hand back to rub the spot that stung but a growl stopped me and I looked at Delta. He held the whip at the ready again looking casual as can be while glaring at me. 'I said to keep your tail up at all times. Nothing was to hide what is mine. Did I not?'

'Yes Delta.' I raised my tail up and crawled the rest of the way to my dog bed and sat down. As I crawled and as I sat there I noticed how constricted my movements were due to my outfit. The tight laces, leather, steel ribbing, and the way it all tied together left next to no room for wiggling around and if it wasn't for the lace it would become unbearably hot in no time.

I had barely sat down when Delta tapped the roof twice and the vehicle started and drove down the road. A half hour into our ride and I was nodding off from the return of my earlier exhaustion.

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