Chapter Two

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I awoke to the feel of something tickling my legs. It felt like fur and was sweeping across my legs. Grrr that tickles stop it, I think as parts of the last time I woke relays in my mind. My eyes shoot open and I instantly regret doing so as I'm blinded by a bright light shining down on me. I try to move my hand to block the annoying light to find that i can't move my arms.

Panicking I frantically turn my head to see my arm being held by a chain cuffed to my wrist. I trail my eyes up the chain to where it meets a mirrored ceiling. Fallowing the reflection of the chain to my wrist and along my arm. Everything seemed normal until I looked at my head. There perched where my ears should be was a pair of grey and white fox ears poking up through my white blonde hair. As I watched myself I saw the ear twitch at the same time I felt the muscles on the side of my head twitch.

I... Have...Fox ...Ears ...OMFG!!!!!!! I HAVE FREAKING FOX EARS. THAT WITCH GAVE ME FREAKING FOX EARS. As this sank in and my irritation grew the tickling feeling on the back of my legs grew in its frequency almost nonstop. Looking away from my reflection I looked over my shoulder but couldn't see anything so I ducked my head and twisted as much as the chains would allow and let out a scream.

'THAT WITCH GAVE ME A TAIL TOO,' I couldn't help but to yell as I watched my new  grey and white tail flick back and forth feeling a slight twitch from the muscles in my lower back in time with each flick. I have to admit they are cute as hell, and the colors look really good with my tan...wait why the freak am I naked.

'Ah awake at last I see,' a bubbly male voice sang as a man in a black suit expertly tailored stepped into the light. He glanced at his watch before continuing, 'and talk about timing the bidders will be here any second now. But don't worry your pretty little head about them you are already bought and paid for and as such just here as a display of the vast variety of standard and custom orders we supply.'
Laughing to himself he turned away as a door opened off to my far left and voices and footsteps filled the room.

'Malchem, dear it has been too long,' a graceful woman with skin so flawless she had to be a vampire even without the tell tell red ring around her emerald irises.
'Maddy, love you know it takes time to acquire our product with as strict standards to quality and quantity as we have here,' the man in the suit, Malchem, replied as i scanned the crowed gathering around my naked form a blush on my cheeks as I glared at any who dared to meet my eyes.

There were a few women in the group but the majority of them were men. Of the fifteen people gathering around it was an even split between vampires, wolves, and witches. The men wore suits and the women wore evening gowns and for the most part everyone was silent, with the exception of Maddy who was trying to seduce Malchem into letting her have a peek at the new arrivals before the others. When he declined she backed off and turned into the typical ice queen vampires are when they pout.

My eyes scanned the crowd glaring at those who met my eyes before moving on, until a man in the back caught my eyes and held them even as I glared at him. His dark eyes were hard to tell the color as he stayed in the shadows but I knew they were locked on mine and they held a challenge. They challenged me to look away but they challenged me to keep looking too.

My focus was on him but my ears heard as Malchem started talking with enthusiasm about all the new arrivals on the market for them today and that there were a wide verity available. While he talked others shuffled around me but the man in the back stood like a statue. The shifting crowd made it hard to keep eye contact with the clothed statue but somehow I managed to. That is until I felt a cold hand glide up the back of my leg.

I whipped my head around and gave the male vampire there a death glare. 'Get your filthy undead colder than ice hand off of'

The crowd froze at my words and all eyes were on me and the slimy twig of a vampire behind me. I counted to three waiting for him to remove his hand and when he didn't I flicked my tail up and used it to smack both his hand and his narrow face. While it had the desired effect of removing his cold hand from my body it had clearly ticked him off as his eyes turned red and his fangs popped out. The crowd in front of me shifted but my eyes remained on the vampire at my back.

Malchem was trying to wiggle between the crowd and apologising for my rude behavior as I was a special order and only here to display their growing options in slaves and now into pets. I was already paid for and was not for touching or buying.

'I don't care. This pest just tried to attack me and she will pay for her mistake,' whined the slimy vamp as he raised his hand extended his fingernails into sharp little knives on his fingertips. I stood there unable to move or defend myself as his hand lowered towards my face in way I knew would either kill me or scar me.

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