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Jericho was widely known for its agricultural expertise and it’s monthly town market that engulfed every street. Everywhere you looked there were people of all varieties trying to sell their wares to whoever passed by. Bakers sold various breads, cakes and pastries, farmers bragged about the high quality of their crops, shop keepers put out massive banners over their stores advertising the massive discounts that they had on their products. If there was anything you were looking for you can be sure there would be somebody around with it ready to sell it to you for as much as they could persuade you to pull out of your wallet. In the streets there were not only merchants trying to earn a few dollars, street performers moved throughout the crowd attempting to amazing anyone who would watch them.

Nathan and his family looked forward to this day every month. It was a chance to have fun and socialize before having to go back to work and normal life. The usual drill for the day was for Nathan to spend the start of the day with his parents and then borrow some money and walk around by himself. The streets were filled with people, and all over the city there were posters promoting Lucifer and his cause. There was also graffiti spread across those posters, which read Iunctum Vincur, the group’s motto, which means ‘Unite and Overcome’. The Martyrs were rebels and to the Shadow Guardsmen they were outlaws and needed to be eradicated. To many people in Jericho and the rest of the Solum they were heroes and protectors of the innocent. They advocated against Lucifer’s reign and were out to stop him. The Martyrs hid in plain sight, looking like regular citizens. There was almost no way of telling that they were a member except for a tattoo of a black and red feather that they had somewhere on their body. Nathan had always admired the Martyrs but he knew if the Guardsmen found out if anyone was in any way linked to them or promoted their view, they would be arrested, detained or punished in severity equal to their participation.


As he walked the stone streets of town, scanning through all the different stalls he couldn’t help but notice a girl across the street that looked somewhat suspicious. She had long dark hair that was under a black beanie, and was dressed in a tank top, a sleeveless jacket, jeans, black leather gloves and converse all-stars. She also had a pair of riding goggles around her neck. She was looking around as if there was somebody following her, but she might have just been looking for somebody she knew? He didn’t really think much of it. Further down the road he noticed his favourite stall that sold parts for his X3G7 his hover board that he had been given earlier that year for his seventeenth birthday. The guy who ran the stall was called Chuck who was a really big guy who always wore a singlet that was covered in grease stains that could just as likely be barbeque sauce that had dripped down from the burgers that he ate on a regular basis. Nathan was surprised that he hadn’t suffered from a heart attack yet. Not only did Chuck indulge himself regularly in fatty food; he also smoked a pipe constantly. On the way to the stall a man bumped into a man. He apologized and Nathan caught a glimpse of the man’s face. He had short black hair and looked about forty years old and he had a scar on his left eye and his right cheek.

When Nathan reached Chuck’s stall he was busy reading a book, but Nathan knew him well enough to know he was hiding a pornographic magazine between the pages.


“Hey there Chuck, you dirty old man.” Said Nathan.

“Hey buddy, how ya been?” Chuck replied.

“Yeah not too bad. I can see you’ve started on your diet.” He said motioning toward the pile of discarded burger wrappers on the ground.

“Haha, yeah screw that buddy. I like my diet just the way it is, and if I die chowing down on one of those bad boys, I’ll die a happy man.”

“Yeah that’s true.”

“So what can I do ya for?” He said putting his book down under his stool.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2012 ⏰

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