The Hokage continued to explain how the Chunin exams were first started by villages picking champions to fight instead of armies, then it became a competition where ninja can bring pride to their village by passing them. "Many leaders and people of prominence from various countries are invited to attend these exams as guests and also possibly seeking shinobi to work for them. This exam could determine the course of your ninja work from here on out. It also determines the strengths of each nation. Stronger nations have a greater advantage in negotiations while weaker nations will eventually die out."

"But even so, why is it necessary for us to risk our lives?" Kiba spoke up.

"The true strength of the shinobi is only achieved when it's pushed to its limits, such as in a life and death battle. This exam is a chance for each nation to display the strength of its shinobi which is the strength of the nation itself. It's because this is an exam where your life is on the line, that it has meaning."

It's true. Yukana hung her head in thought. My kills were much more meaningful to me when the fight was tough.

"You also must not have the wrong idea of the exam's meaning. This is a custom in which balance is preserved by fighting and dieing. In the world of the shinobi, that is friendship."

Killing each other is friendship? If that were right, I'd imagine humans would taste better. Yukana looked through her hair towards the sound ninja team and at the bandaged shoulder of the female sound nin where she took a bite out of in their last fight. I still can't grasp it. I don't want to believe it, humans killing each other. I only did it by accident when I arrived in this world, I didn't know I was human. Can I. . . still give them the benefit of the doubt, at least?

"The third exam is a fight for your life with the pride of the village and your own dreams at stake."

Our own dreams, huh? I remember telling my dream of one day seeing Father again and protecting everything good in this world. I wonder if I'll ever see him again. . . I wonder if he even cares. A gloomy aura shrouded the small girl.

"Hn, well he sure convinced me." Naruto said with a proud stance.

"Any test is fine." Gaara spoke up. "Just tell me what the details of the exam are already. I can handle anything you throw at me."

Yukana silently hissed in the sand demon's direction. Oh yeah? Just hope Hiruzen sensei doesn't throw me at you. The white haired girl barred her teeth.

"Very well then, I'll tell you what we'll be doing on the third exam-" Before he could finish what he was saying, a Jonin dropped down in front of him.

"Lord Hokage, before you do, please allow me, Hayate Gekko proctor of the third exam, speak first."

"So be it." Hiruzen granted him permission.

The ninja stood up. "It's nice to meet you all-" He suddenly interrupted himself with a coughing fit, then looked back at the Genin. "There's something I would like all of you-" a series of coughs stopped him again. "To do before the third exam." Hayate took his time to cough some more.

The Genin stood with perplexed looks on their faces. Yukana tilted her head in question. "Is he gonna make it?"

"Uh, we have to have a preliminary exam before we can move on to the real one." The proctor announced.

"A, what?!" Yukana threw her arms into the air like she did during the first test.

"Preliminary?! Just what do you mean by that?" Shikamaru never had looked more disappointed and angry.

"Excuse me, sensei," Sakura spoke up, "I really don't see the point. What's this preliminary all about?"

"Uh, well you see, the first and second exams might have been too easy." He answered. "We never expected so many of you to be here. According to the rules, a preliminary round can be held at any stage to reduce the number of candidates remaining. As Lord Hokage said, a lot of important guests will be watching and they've come to see the best of the best. We can't afford to waste their time. So, if there's any of you who don't feel like you're in top physical condition, now's your chance to-" The shinobi fell into another coughing fit.

The Ninja from Nowhere (Naruto fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें