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Mike POV.
When I got home no one was there I even yell "MOM DAD BIG BROTHER ARE Y'ALL HERE OR NOT" right now I wish someone was here anyone by master never him. 'Great all alone most of time my brother here yelling at me for not leaving him alone great what will happened now I hope he never cell or texts me ever it will be so damn ba-' I was snapped out if thought when my phone got a text I read it *hey there kitten want to come to my places for more with me and maybe a other pet to?* *no no* I text back * OK then next time fun time a tons of toy for you like crops, vibrated, wipes, and other things too I can not wait* 'I'm going to die now' I thought as I get in my soft warm bed and no one in it with me. I start to sob because of what happened to me 'I never want a man to tough me in anyway he can or will do I just want to die no one will miss me maybe master but it just my ass that will be miss nothing else no one will even know I'm gone' I through to myself as I falling asleep.
Flash POV.
"Well after school is going to be super fun for me and hot" I said "hey baby what to have fun" the weird thing her brother is one of my bitches "oh of cause I will have my fun time not the same for you"

He Hate Me (Boyxboy)(boyxgirl) (Girlxgirl) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant