Pharaoh's Heart is Mine by VaineLuchia

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Pharaoh's Heart is Mine by VaineLuchia

"Pharoah's love is unpredictable; Pharaoh's love can change in the blink of an eye, The flash of a fox's tail. One moment you are his greatest treasure, The next you become a mere speck of dust - Pharaoh's love comes and goes like each beat of a butterfly's wing... With Pharaoh's love you are the only woman in Egypt - Yet once he deems you undesirable... His love can break your heart into a thousand bloody shards. Perhaps his love is naught but a myth; Perhaps his love holds aught of value. But the one thing you must always remember and NEVER forget is that Pharaoh's love is faithless, Indeed - Fickle beyond anything else you've ever known." Pharaoh's royal harem is the place where your closest friends become your greatest enemies, the place where even your most loyal slaves can betray you. Beware of the women who pour poison in your goblet, whisper lies into your ear. They will do whatever it takes to break your spirit, and you shall cower with fear in the face of their power. But you must never succumb, because the rivalry amongst Pharaoh's women will intensify to bounds that have never been reached, the jealousy they feel for each other will give rise to their destruction, as they do things of the unthinkable to win the fight for Pharaoh's heart, sacrifice their souls to survive in the horrible competition for the place of Chief Wife. And in the mist of it all lies Neferu, Pharaoh's Beloved, destined to do the impossible...

I literally found this book when it was in its last upload, back in May ;_; It's a pretty dramatic book and I haven't read it it a while to refresh my memory but I remember wanting to stab the bitchy sister. Damn, she needs to jump into the Nile.

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