Lucky by ELatimer

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Lucky by ELatimer

"Lightfoot crossed the room in two steps, startling me. I backed up until my shoulder blades hit the wall, and then he was right here, leaning close to me. Impossibly close." Cassandra has a deadly secret, and an addiction to gambling. Her secret could get her killed, which is why she spends most of her life moving from city to city. While on the run from a murderous gang of cheated men, she is rescued by the man who calls himself "Lightfoot". Lightfoot is a master thief, notorious for his many daring jobs. And now the master thief wants something from the gambler, and he isn't going to let her go until he gets it.


The chemistry burns. Go read for some nice acidic burns to the heart <3 perfect for those lonely nights sitting alone, reading alone and stuffing yourself with cake- alone, of course. That's probably just me but read this book, so you can feel the lack of a boyfriend, stabbing you in the heart. Oops, just me again, my bad. This is really turning into a diary rather than a recommendations book. Ha, ha.

Not sorry. 

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