Tea Party Time!

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I wanted to do have these little tea parties once each week, but perhaps that was a bit ambitious. No sooner had our last party ended when I became overwhelmed with work and personal craziness. 

Finally, a bit of quiet time. So join me for tea and perhaps a cookie, friend?

Steampunky happenings in my life since we last chatted? I went to a conference, and one of the vendors there gave me a free fancy journal. He had also sorts of designs but I chose this one, pictured up top. 

Our Halloween was a bit of bust. I wanted to dress up like Miss Peregrine, but my 11 year old daughter came home from school unexpectedly. She was supposed to trick or treat right after school with not-very-good friends and reader, I am sad to relate that she was ditched. She came home and had a little cry, and a snack, and then put on her costume and got out there with a different group of neighborhood kids. She is in middle school now and I guess the icky-ness is starting. She seems to have bounced back. 

That weekend we went to a party and someone read my Tarot cards. That was fun, and inspired me to break out my own cards. I haven't touched them in years.

Probably to escape, but I've been reading tons of Regency romances. They make me giggle. 

Not much STEAMPUNK happening here in the last two weeks-but I've been working on revising Ice Magic each time I post a new chapter. It's done but it still needs work! I have thoughts about that book....curious to hear yours. I think it's going to be a better story for having been posted here at Wattpad.

Tell me what you're reading? How was your Halloween? Are you ready for the holidays now???

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