Chapter 26

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Clary yelled as Alec came in and held her back. Luna jumped from side to side dodging the Silent Brothers.

Her eyes jumping from her green to black. Its as if she were fighting whatever was inside her.

Magnus came in and snapped his fingers, a circle of blue fire appeared trapping Luna.

She yelled, her screams sounding nothing like her. Sebastian's body appeared and he growled at Magnus and then grinned at him.

"Don't you dare touch that girl." Magnus yelled.
"Shes mine, isn't she? If I can not have her neither shall you!"

He picked up Luna by her neck. She sucked in air kicking and trying to get away.

"Sebastian! Stop!" Clary sobbed.
"I'll take the privilege of you being a aunt." He laughed.

"Alec!" Luna gasped.

Alec tugged at his hair in desperation of not being able to help.

"Do something!" He yelled at the Silent Brothers.

The Silent Brothers did not answer because they were doing something.
It was something unexplainable but you could feel the energy and power in the room.

Sebastian yelled and Luna disappeared.  The commotion of the room was gone as if nothing happened.

"Where is she? Where is she!" Clary yelled.

She went forward searching every inch she could. Alec doing the same. Jace broke the door down and searched faces for Lunas.

"Where's Luna?" He said his voice shaky.
"Magnus." Alec hissed.

They had been having a a heated argument for the past few seconds and everyone turned to them.

"I gave the girl a chance to escape from harm by creating a portal for her..."
"You did what!" Clary lunged forward.
"She could be lost in...." Jace started but Clary glared at him.

You will all be in grave trouble if this girl is not returned to us, the clave has been notified.

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