Chapter 14

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Luna fell to the floor with a thud. The sheets tangled at her legs. She grunted kicking the sheets away noticing her right leg was free and healed. It was dark, only some small moonlight coming into the big room.

She saw a familiar bag. It was the backpack she was carrying the night of the attack, the new one Nana had bought her hours before.

Shaky she walked towards it, her throat sealed up as she suppressed the anger and yells, swallowing hard. She grabbed the bag angrily tossing things into it. Her door creaked open as she opened it. As much as she hated it she snuck into Clary and Jace's room.

The 2 where tangled into each other asleep. Luna crept to the drawer nearest to Clary reaching for the stele and reaching next for the clear white stone, witch light.

She cursed as the room blazed up with light dropping the stone. Jace moved in the bed and Luna held her breathe. She reached for it again covering it with her shirt. She rushed out to the weapons room and put on a weapons belt that hung lowly on her hips. She stacked daggers and seraph blades.

She then grabbed a jacket that was all Jace wore everyday. Its material thick looking like dragon scales.

"Red would be nicer." She whispered.

She heard some one heading toward the room and she quickly climbed to the platform above where she had broken her leg. Something fell inside as someone cursed and she pushed the window closed.

She looked down below the ground spinning before her and cursed. If she broke her leg she had the black mark on her so she could simply redo it.

She took a sharp intake of breathe and jumped. She tumbled rolling on the grass gasping for air as her heart beat fast.

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