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Ok now let's go hang out with the boys I said she smiled and jumped off the bench we we're sitting on I grabbed my bag we walked to the boys hey lover boy Lauren screamed all the boys heads turned to us I stopped and felt my cheeks heat up I looked at Johnny he was wearing a Seattle black T-shirt a black hat and was wearing it backwards and cameo pants and white vans he looked really cute which one are you calling us lover boys Matty said Lauren stopped and just realized what she did and laughed Johnny cheeks we're full on red are you taking about Carson and how he's going to ask Zoe to be his girlfriend Hayden said what Lauren said in shock or have you already because Zoe's blushing  Matty said No I haven't Carson said

Johnny's POV
He likes Zoe what if she falls for him what if kissing her last night made everything worse I felt myself getting mad really mad I want to be with Zoe and now Carson has to screw everything up this sucks she's blushing because we went on a date last night I said I covered my mouth after I just realized what I did dude you knew I liked her Carson said actually no I didn't I said yes you did I made that joke yesterday to tell her I liked her Carson said well I didn't now she didn't now I said Johnny go tell Zoe that you don't like her Carson said no I like her and I'm not going to hide the fact that I do I said see watch I walked over to Zoe and Lauren and I grabbed Zoe's waist and pulled her closer I smashed my lips on hers I felt her smile and kiss back I pulled away and she was blushing really bad it was magical I really liked it I felt someone shove me I turned and saw Carson Zoe ran and got in front of me

Zoe's POV
Leave him alone I said fine just because you asked princess Carson and kissed my cheek I pushed him away and helped Johnny up

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