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When you're trapped in depression, it feels like nothing will ever change. But it's important to remember that feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are symptoms of depression-not the reality of your situation

Am I depressed?

If you identify with several of the following signs and symptoms-especially the first two-and they just won't go away, you may be suffering from depression.

You feel hopeless and helpless

You've lost interest in friends, activities, and things you used to enjoy

You feel tired all the time

Your sleep and appetite has changed

You can't concentrate or find that previously easy tasks are now difficult

You can't control your negative thoughts, no matter how much you try

You are much more irritable, short-tempered, or aggressive than usual

You're consuming more alcohol than normal or engaging in other reckless behavior

Depression and suicide risk

Depression is a major risk factor for suicide. The deep despair and hopelessness that goes along with depression can make suicide feel like the only way to escape the pain. If you have a loved one with depression, take any suicidal talk or behavior seriously and watch for the warning signs:

Talking about killing or harming one's self

Expressing strong feelings of hopelessness or being trapped

An unusual preoccupation with death or dying

Acting recklessly, as if they have a death wish (e.g. speeding through red lights)

Calling or visiting people to say goodbye

Getting affairs in order (giving away prized possessions, tying up loose ends)

Saying things like "Everyone would be better off without me" or "I want out"

A sudden switch from being extremely depressed to acting calm and happy

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