~Chapter Twenty Four~

Start from the beginning

~~~Change P.O.V cause I'm getting stuck on this part (and lazy/tired)~~~

"I'm losing my mind." I told myself scanning the items I was given and placing them in plastic bag. "What was I thinking? Yeah, buy some life-like robots (Name), I bet it's fake. OH SHIT THEY'RE REAL. Well now I'm stuck with them, not that I'm complaining. Fucking hell I'm complaining aren't I? I just." Just just just "I don't know. I'm extremely happy they're here but what happens now? Do I just keep going on with my career? Ignore my parents till they die? What happens if I fall for one of them?" I knew people could hear my conversation with myself so I placed some earbuds in my ears to pretend I was talking on the phone. "Okay (Name) you're getting ahead of yourself. You just need to take it day by day. Right? Right." I finished paying and began walking back to our spot when I accidentally ran into someone. "(Name)!" Yelled Jessica with a chipper voice. "Jessica, ay." I said with a polite nod. I noticed Becky wasn't with her which seemed a bit strange since they're always together. "Hey girl! You were just the girl I wanted to see!" She said getting close and holding my shoulders.

"Oh really?" I said with a nervous nod. She smiled and nodded back.

"So, I'm having this party tonight right? And I wondering if you could bring those friends of yours?" She said cheerfully.

My eyes sparked up at this. A party? My guys? No way. They'd kill somebody if they went. Literally.

"Oh, um, tonight? I, um, I actually think they're busy..." I half lie.

"I'm sure you can get them out of it, and what about that hot cousin of yours?" She inquired more and more, and the closer she got to me made me even more nervous.

"Um, well I um." A nervous sweat rolled down my face and I could feel a nervous anxiety creep up my stomach. I don't want to lie to her, but at the same time I don't really want to tell the truth. "I'm sure you can make it happen (Name)! So I'll see you later? At 11?" Jessica was practically clawing into my shoulders, she really wanted those boys to be there apparently. "Um-" I began but gave in. I can't control them, nor protect them from other girls.

Wait, why would I have to be protect them, they can look at other girls it's not like I'm dating them or anything. UGH WHATS WRONG WITH ME?

"Sure Jessica." Her eyes sparkled after that, and she let go of my shoulders and trotted off. "Yay! See ya at 11!"

I sighed, one of those, "what have I gotten myself into" sighs.

I eventually made it back to the guys and they were just as I left them, except they were throwing dangerous glares at each other. Something must have happened while I was gone.

"Well I've gotten everything I need so let's head off!" I said in a somewhat happy voice, trying to change the mood. As we were walking out of the store I decided to bring up the whole party thing. I cleared my throat out before speaking. "So, um, I uh, I ran into Jessica while I was walking back to you guys."

"Diner girl?" Matt asked.

"Yeah, the one with short brown hair." I replied.

"Both of them have short brown hair." Allen mentioned.

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