Lucky blinked at him. "It's one in the afternoon."


Zayn has never slept in that late. Even if he was tired, he simply couldn't. It was impossible. Or at least he thought it was.

"But to answer the other part of that question, I was coming in to check on you. I sent you a few texts last night and you still have yet to respond. I wanted to see if you were okay. And on the way, I brought food." Lucky grinned as he shook the bag of McDonalds lightly.

Zayn realized that he could not not let Lucky in. The most he could do was step aside to welcome the blonde into his home and silently pray that Justin would somehow stay asleep until Lucky left, so that's exactly what he did.

He led Lucky into his kitchen where they took seats beside one another by the kitchen island, unpacked their breakfast meals and dug in.

Zayn moaned around a mouthful of his Egg McMuffin. He hadn't realized it before, but he was actually starving. "You're my hero."

Lucky chuckled at the same time that Zayn swooped up his boyfriend's caramel frappe and took a large gulp from it while he still had good in his mouth.

The blonde scrunched up his nose in disgust. "Dude, gross."

The British teenager shrugged carelessly. "They're all going to the same place."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."

Lucky then suddenly leaned forward and stole a kiss from Zayn who couldn't help but smile. It's been a while since they've kissed, and the other male's lips still feel as wonderful as always.

"I'm about to sound awfully cliche, so be warned, but sometimes I can't seem to wrap my head around how I got so lucky... being able to be with you and all."

It was a random statement, and honestly the last thing Zayn needed because if Lucky kept being this sweet, he was going to explode due to guilt.

"Trust me, I'm the lucky one." Zayn stated, because it was true. Lucky was an amazing guy who was far too good for him.

"Not really, not compared to how lucky I am at least."

Zayn scoffed, because it sounded ridiculous. Lucky, possibly being one of the best guys in the world, was here praising Zayn for being some God that he wasn't.

"I'm being serious, Zayn. You're wonderful. I don't get why you don't believe that."

"Because I don't bring you food after noon." He said as a joke, trying to ease the shake he felt building up inside of him.

"Because I'm not a hungry hungry hippo such as yourself." The sentence was followed by a playful smile as Lucky nudged Zayn's side. "I could care less about food and gifts and stuff. I like you for your heart, you have a beautiful personality. You're pretty much perfect."

"Okay, now you're just buttering me up." Zayn accused.

"Am not."

"Are to!"

"Can't I just talk about how much you mean to me?"

"No actually, no you cannot." Zayn answered.

"Well why not?"

"Because it makes me blush like a child. And it makes me want to tell you how much I like you. It makes me want to hold you close forever, and may or may not make me want to kiss you to death."

"Maybe you should just do it."

"Which part?"

Lucky smirked. "All of it."

The DUFF (Zustin Mieber AU)Where stories live. Discover now