Chapter 65- Promise

Start from the beginning

This is going to be confusing. There's my real mother and father and then there is Dad and Mum. It's going to be weird calling them that.

"Okay I guess then Hilary you are going to have to lead the way." Grandpa said. We all nodded, my eyes began to droop slightly and I yawned. Even through I passed out like twice I am still tired I guess it is with everything that is going on.

"Amelia are you alright?" Max asked me. I smiled at him and ran my free hand through his hair.

"Kind of just tired and worn out." I replied. I then remembered my decision thingy. I gulped. Either way I couldn't really have Max as in everything wouldn't go back to normal.

I didn't want my mother to die so I could have my happiness but I didn't want to stay with her either and I didn't want to be on the Volturi. And death? That is something I do not want I guess my choice in a way would cost a life.

I didn't know that my eyes had started to water until Max wiped a stray tear.

"Amelia what's wrong? Don't cry please." He pleaded. He looked so helpless. I couldn't make it so bad for him but I couldn't hide my emotions either. I shook my head.

"I'll tell you later i just want to get back to the hotel." I whispered. He nodded.

"Okay and Amelia, I love you." He said. I smiled at him. He knew how to make me feel better.

"I love you too Maxie." I replied. He smiled at me and then we followed everyone back to the hotel. We ran through the trees. I ran with Max holding his hand tightly as if it was my life. As soon as we left the forest we started to walk to the hotel. It wasn't very far away so it wasn't a long walk.

Grandpa checked out another room and then we headed to them. I sat down on the couch next to Max and rested my head on his chest. Clearing my mind from all thoughts and just relaxing.

"So Amelia I've met all the Cullens apart from this one." My father said. I lifted my head up and looked at him. I then noticed that Damien looked a lot like him apart from the rich skin otherwise he had the same features. Brown eyes and hair and shape. My father's hair was long and Damien's wasn't.

"Ur... Yeah um... This is Max my soulmate and Max this is my father..." I trailed unsure on how to introduce them. My father stretched out his hand for Max to shake and smiled at him.

"Hello Max. I'm glad to hear and see that you are taking care of my daughter." My father said. This is just awkward.

"Yes... Um sir and I would take care of her always because I love her and wouldn't ever want anything bad to happen to her." He said sincerely. I smiled.

"Call me Nahuel so Max I heard you are a hybrid how old are you?" He asked. Why do i have the feeling that my father is going to carry on questioning Max? Oh well maybe I shouldn't intrude. I looked around the room. Uncle Jasper, Uncle Emmett and Aunt Alice were talking in one group. Grandpa and Grandma with the Denalis, then Mum, Dad, Ness and Jacob and then my mother and the lady who bit me. Damien was sitting on his own bored. Hmmm... maybe I should go to him. He is my brother so I might as well.

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