...Just A Bit Curious of You...

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Authors Anouncement: I would just like to say thank you to those who continue to read my stories and show support to my works. I am still in process of working on updating the rest of my stories and will take time to plot and write them due to my busy schedual  in school and for youtube. However I've had ideas up in my head and have been writing the good ones for my Naruto fanfics and my Boku no Hero Academia fanfic still in works. Look forward to seeing small update progress.

~ Thank you~

Story time begins now (Author POV):

It's been around three days since the' Attack on Hanamura' incident. All members decided to relax in one of their bases in Nepal for a few days. Recharge their bateries and get to know more of their new member Naruto. Who was the boilogical son of Jack Morison and Angela Zeigier that was seperated from birth. Yet now he has traveled from afar to find his parents, and live a better, more free, life. 

We currently find our favorite ninja blonde sleeping on a soft full bed. Wraped with soft warm blankets, laying his head on a sheep woll pillow. Letting his body really relax in the softness and fluffyness this bed had to offer. His mom and dad by the door watching his sleepyface filled them with happiness as they decided to leave him be and get rest.

'Sleep tight my liten pojke. Dröm Sött' Angela whispered as she gently closed the door to her sons' room in the Nepal base

The members were gathered around Zenyatta. Looking at him to expect answers about Naruto. Wanting to learn how he was seperated. How he lived his life without his parents. How did he know of his real parents. And what he plans to now that he knows the world outside and who his parents are.

"Alright Zenyatta, you have two options here. First option is that you tell us the story of how you came to know our son. Or if you refuse, we can sick Angela on you and beat you until you are able to tell us everything." As Jack said option one, he moved to the side and showed that Angela already had a face that read 'Let me at this fucker, hes gonna get a can of whoop ass!' As she was being restrained by Zarya, Winston, and Mei had to freeze her a few times to try to get her to cool down. "Or better yet, me and Angela can beat the living circits out of you if you don't tell us. I think we've earned it."

"I was going to tell you anyways since Naruto believed that I would tell you it. He didn't want for you to suffer from him telling you. And I believe it will hurt him more than it will you if he told us his past." Zenyatta spoke in honesty, remembering his students' plee for him to tell them.

"Why would we suffer from him telling us. I doubt the kid has had it bad. Why wont he tell us? Aside the fact that he's sleeping right now." Junkrat asked.

"He doesn't want to see you suffer at the pain he will be in when he tells you. Nor does he want to see you cry Angela, Jack, for telling you his life. Naruto thinks you would blame yourselves for not being their for him. That brings him into sadness, for you thinking it was your fault for not raising him." Zenyatta spoke with hints of sadness and stuttering in his voice. Remembering every detail the boy had lived as a child.

"His life, wasn't an easy one, was it?" Reyes asked. More like it was stated to point of understanding the harships of people and the world. Remembering his childhood in Mexico.

"Its worse. I believe it's time I told you all. Please be silent, and remember, he does not blame you for his life. Gather around, because I will only say this once." Zenyatta said as everyone gathered around the omnic monk. He told them of what Narutos' life was as a baby, then as a child, teen, so on. He never left out any detail he heard from him. The beatings he suffered as a child. The near killings he went through as a baby. The feeling of emptyness as a pre-teen. Once he tried to end it all at his own hands, but Kurami stoped him from doing senpuku. As the story went on, the members shed tears of sadness, guilt, pity, and despair of how one child could suffer at hands of such monsters. How to be almost completly alone all their life. How it felt to never feel a mother's love, nor of a fathers proud embrace. All he felt were simple harships of his life. 

The Lost Son (Overwatch X Naruto Fanfic) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now