Chapter 56

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Over the next few weeks I keep tabs on Cato's progress from his instructors. All I hear are good things, how he picks up new tasks and skills so easily and his fitness levels, which are better than anything they've ever seen before.
I saw his speed and strength back in the arena when we were running from the earthquake at the golden house. When it looked like I was doomed he grabbed me and threw me over the railings and into the park with one arm.

It's a bright spring afternoon when Cato attends his final assessment on the training ground. Steph, who helped train him watches his performance on the firing range while a group of us which consists of me, Peeta, Gale, Ellie, Plutarch and Lyndon watch on from some distance. If he gets through this he'll be eligible to join a squad, my squad.

At the end of his assessment Steph comes over to talk with us.

"Well he passed, and with flying colours. He's the most complete soldier I've ever trained,  I've never seen anything like him" she says while looking across at Cato as he hands his gun back to the weapons officer.

"So he's ready?" asks Plutarch expectantly.

"Yeah he's ready, for pretty much anything I guess" she says chuckling.

I turn to Plutarch "So what now, we've done what you asked?"

"I know, but what you're gonna do now is just show him off to the country. We'll dress him up in the Mockingjay squad uniform and take him to the Capitol with the rest of your team. I've already spoken with Caesar, it's gonna be a sort of propo but filmed at the presidential mansion. I'm hoping that just the sight of him with you will be enough to make something happen in the Districts"

"I'm not sure about that, I think we'll need something more" I say as we watch Cato walk toward us.

"Well let's just wait and see, and if we do need more then I'll have to think of something else I guess"

"Hey guys" says Cato as he reaches us.

I nod at him and smile "Great job today Cato, Steph was just telling us that you passed your final assessment, you ready to join my squad?"

"Yeah I'm ready, where are we going?"

"To the Capitol Cato, we're going to the Capitol" I say as I lead him back toward the elevator.


The next morning we meet in the hanger next to our dropship. As I step out from the elevator with Peeta and Rue I see my squad all lined up ready for my inspection, Steph, my second in command stands facing them.
"Hi Steph" I say as I stand alongside her.

"Captain" she replies rather formally.

It's the one thing I can't seem to get used to, I consider my squad to be a sort of extended family but the more military hardened members of the squad are far more professional. It's something I'm gonna have to get used to as today is my first day in command since I went against orders on the train mission. This is my chance to prove myself, to show Lyndon and Plutarch that I can follow their instructions.

Pollux and Cressida film at a distance as I slowly walk along the line trying to look as professional as I can. Gale stands with a slight smirk on his face as he knows how awkward this'll be for me. Blight just looks straight ahead as does Blane and Joel who as usual is my explosives officer. Cato and Johanna form up at the end of the line but I sense an apprehension on her face, as if something is bothering her.

"Okay everyone, let's get on board" I say to the group. Steph organises the squad into two rows as they climb the ramp into the dropship. I put my hand on Johanna's shoulder to stop her from following the others.

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