I don't sing

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Zoe's POV
I'm on vacation with my mom it's winter break and I live in Arizona but I'm moving to Toronto Canada I'm 13 and I love to sing but no-one knows I'm too nervous Zoe there's a kids party downstairs you should go and make some friends my mom said "ok" I grabbed my phone and my TNA baby blue sweater I put my shoes on and walked down to the lobby there we're kids a lot of ages some older and some younger there we're people singing karaoke I sat down on the couch and went on my phone until I felt a shining light go on me and people pulling me to the front to where the karaoke was I don't sing I lied they didn't listen I heard another voice saying something then I saw a boy just a little bit taller then me standing next to me you guys will thank me for this someday a older boy said or not he said and walked away the music started and the boy started singing he had a amazing voice he was about to walk away but then I took a deep breath and sang he turned back and walked to his mic and started singing with me I smiled a little bit the song ended and they fireworks we're starting the boy grabbed my and and took me outside I'm Johnny he said "I'm Zoe" we both looked up at the fireworks they we're beautiful the last one pretty neat Can I get your number Johnny asked of course I said handing him my phone he gave me his I typed in my number and took a picture of myself I handed his phone back to him and he handed me mine and then I walked back to my hotel room I unlocked the door and took my shoes off hey honey my mom said hi I said while going on my bed and getting my phone I went on instagram and typed "Johnny" I clicked someone that had the last name Orlando and it was the boy from the party I followed him he has famous Zoe you should start packing we leave tommrow for the new house my mom said "Kay" I grabbed my suitcase and packed everything I brought when I was done I went back on instagram I saw that Johnny posted a video

His video

Hey guys um I just met a amazing girl and I just realized that I gave her the wrong number and it looks like she did too her name is Zoe she very pretty I'm going to show you a picture and the first person to find her on social media I will follow ok thanks guys bye

And with that he hung up the video. shoot I said to myself I changed into PJs I got in my bed and I turned off the lights and my mom got into the bed next to me and I kept on thinking about Johnny and I hope someone will find me and show him I hope I will see him again and that was the last thought on my mind before I went to sleep.

The song they sang I totally High school musical this chapter😂 ~Z❤🙈

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