Ch. 3 | Sleepless

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Ch. 3 | Sleepless

Darkness had fallen over the entirety of Pixie Hallow. Nearly everyone was asleep in their homes but Chris had always been restless. It was odd for a water fairy to have trouble sleeping. Most dust keeper fairies were known for insomnia, though. He flew towards the massive tree that stood in the center of all the seasons.

The waterfall of dust glowed so beautifully at night. Along the edge of one of the platforms it trickled over sat one of the fairies responsible for maintaining it. Chris landed on a branch behind Ryan, slowly walking towards him. He didn't want to startle him. Ryan glanced over his shoulder, smiling gently when he saw his water talent friend.

"Can't sleep again?" He asked.

"Yeah." Chris sighed and took a seat next to him, "I guess I just don't work enough during the day."

"I don't know about that. You're a workaholic." He responded, "Something on your mind?"

"I... Guess. Yeah, kind of... Every time I see Devin taking care of Ricky, I get kind of, I don't know... Jealous? Not jealous that he has Ricky but I mean, jealous that they have each other." He admitted.

Ryan stayed rather quiet and stared off into the pool of dust in front of them. "You want someone to take care of you mean?"

"I do. I mean, I get to take care of so many sweet animals and things, but that's not the same as..." He sighed again, "As having a little."

"Devin and Ricky didn't start their relationship off with the dynamics they have now. Maybe start with finding someone you like, then worry about asking them to be your little." Ryan suggested. Hesitantly, he asked, "Is there anyone you like?"

Chris glanced over at him briefly, then back at the glowing dust. He shrugged and looked down at his hands, "I'm not sure. Every time I'm around Angelo, I get happy but so nervous. I wish I could learn to be as relaxed around him as I am around you. You both are so calm but it's just... different when he's around."

Ryan intertwined his fingers behind his head and leaned back, "Hm, you think I'm calm around you?"

"Yeah... You are, right?"

"Yeahhh," He panned, looking up at the stars, "You don't make me nervous."

Who was he kidding? Chris made nearly everyone nervous. He was probably one of the tallest fairies in the entire Hollow. Not to mention he had that sexy voice, and his smile... Ryan decided it was best not to think anymore about it. It'll just kill him a little more.

"That's good. I freak a lot of fairies out, I guess. No one really wants to ever talk to me in the brook. I don't mind but I don't get it. I'm never mean to people."

"You're not mean but you look mean." He responded, "Who knows? Maybe the next time we get a new arrival it'll be a water fairy that's not scared of you." As he finished his sentence, he yawned.

"You should go get some sleep." Chris told him.

"Only if you do."

He stood up, offering Ryan his hand, "If you insist. You have to get up earlier than I ever do."

"True but it's whatever." He replied.

Chris playfully rolled his eyes, "Sleep isn't just 'whatever'. It's important."

"Look who's talking." Ryan sassed him.

He took a few steps back as he started to flutter his wings, "Goodnight, Ryan."

"Goodnight, Chris." He waved at him as he flew off.

Kuza flew slowly for once in his life. He wanted time to think before reaching his destination. He's flown this way several times but never quite makes it all the way. Every time he finds a reason to turn around. He's not one to be scared of just talking. That's what he kept telling himself too; He's not a wuss.

He lived in the northern area of the fall forest, close to the winter woods. On the opposite side that tended to be the warmer section of autumn, there was a small pumpkin home. He made the long fly all the way through the forest and he saw that house right in front of him. Now is not the time to turn around. There was even a light on, which there normally isn't when he comes here.

Kuza carefully glanced in the frosted window. He couldn't really see much through them aside from a figure moving around inside. Just as he was going to go to knock, he saw another figure inside. He couldn't make out who it was but it was obviously someone. No one else should be here. This was a bad idea. He knew it but he was hoping... He didn't know really what he was hoping for.

He started to hesitantly back away from the door. Just as he did, he heard the sound of a harp softly ringing out. It was one he hadn't heard in awhile but he still knew exactly what it was. If that wasn't enough for him to bolt away, the sound of the door behind him opening was. Kuza shot up into the sky and began to put his talent to use to get away as quickly as he could.

Meanwhile, down at that little pumpkin house, Angelo opened the door for Ryan-Ashley. She glanced over her shoulder to him, "Thanks again for the paints, Ange."

"It's no problem. If you need any more, I'll be in the patch tomorrow." He responded. Angelo looked up at the stars above them, "You hear that?"

"Yeah, I do." She said, growing a smile.

The two glanced at each other happily, then took off towards the sky. Throughout Pixie Hollow, lights started to turn on and fairies woke with excitement.

Just as Chris reached the small cave he called home, he felt a violent wind rush over him. He looked up to see Kuza bolting past him in the air. Where was he off to this late at night? He should care but he didn't. All he wanted was to go to bed and sleep off his emotions. Unfortunately for him, the sound of the harp reached him too. He could avoid it but it would be rude to not welcome a newcomer.

So, what talent should Vinny be? Please comment and let me know :3

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