The Chosen One

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  Hi, my name's Jennifer Gray, but most people call me Jenny. I live with my Father and Mother and an older sister named Katherine, also known as Kate. We live in New York City, but at the time of the story I'm telling you, my family, with me of course, were visiting our uncle, Uncle Ty. Uncle Ty lived in Britain, London to be exact. He ran a weird company that produced strange suits that gave its wearer interesting capabilities. He had also made friends with an FBI agent named Jay Arrow. Jay was sent to monitor the production and power of these suits, making sure they don't pass federal or international regulations.
  While we were there visiting, Uncle Ty asked me if I wanted to try out one of his suits. Of course I said yes! The suit was pretty simple to put on, as it was only like a zip-up pajama just made out of black latex leather that came up to my neck. I regretted agreeing to my uncle as he locked me in a large room that was empty, with a cement wall on the other end. To this wall my uncle told me to put my back against, facing a windowed room that he was in.
"Ready?" He called. I nodded.
Two huge machine guns from both sides of the room lowered from the ceiling and aimed at me. I screamed as bullets flew at me, but never touched me. My uncle and his friend were laughing at me as they turned the  machines off. The suit had desolved the bullets before they even touched me. Stunning right?
   After I took the suit off and was settled in my uncle's living room, my father walked in. By the look on his face I could tell he was mad. My bratty older sister Kate had told my father what my uncle and I had done. Kate was only 3 years older than me and I'm 11. So while my father and uncle argued with each other I went to my room in my uncle's factory/house. I grabbed my favorite book and began reading, not knowing that a fight had begun in another world that would affect my life,
The story I'm about to tell you happened far away close to the center of the universe. A place called "The Council of Fire." This place was set up to oversee the different worlds in the Milky Way galaxy, of which Earth is a part of. The place is basically similar to earth. The Council, as it is called, was made up of six appointed officials, overseen by one chairman. The job of this place was to establish peace between the worlds, and if war did wage between two worlds, it would see to it that the war was fought according to the agreed conditions
The Council had a custom that
when a new chairman was to be selected, the candidates had to select a fighter for them to fight the Protector. The Protector was a proven soldier, undefeated in battle. The Protector and the chosen fighter would go to an empty planet and fight to the death. If the chosen one wins, the candidate receives the position. But if the Protector wins,then that new candidate will be disqualified. It was a test to see how well the candidate can choose, and make
The chairman had the last word in everything. Not only the last word, but had powers also. The Chosen, if he survives the fight, will receive power and be sent to a planet to oversee it. A new Protector will be chosen and life continues as normal. Now that I told you the basics, let's get in to the story.
  A new chairman needed to be selected because the other chairman was resigning. Several candidates had already tried to obtain it, but just to have their fighters slashed down by the blade of the Protector. The Protector was an unknown soldier, no one knew about him. And no one could fight him.
     19 year old Johnathan was trapped into a fierce but playful duel with his 12 year old adopted sister Alice. The duel was extremely unfair as Alice had a long wooden staff that had a sharp blade protruding out of each end. Johnathan only had a single edged long sword, but he did his best to block and dodge his sister's vicious but well aimed swings. Suddenly, his sword flew out of his hand and he felt her staff strike his leg. He fell over to the soft grass.
"Come on!"he said rubbing his leg where where she had struck. She stepped back away from him, skillfully swinging the staff between her hands. Her brother watched from the ground, thinking of the time when he first saw her. She was only two years old. Her people and family were destroyed in a battle, Jonathan's father having rescued her from certain death. She was the sole survivor of a clan of people who could create power potions, but that took a vow never to use the powers for themselves. Now, as he watched her  swinging the staff of which he had taught her to use, her long golden hair flowing in the slight wind, he knew that nothing could separate her from him. She stopped swinging the staff and stood pointing the staff at him with a smile on her face.
"You're getting pretty good at that." he said, taking the end of the staff with one hand.
"Well, you did teach me, right?" She replied, pulling him up from the ground. "It's just a pitty that the student becomes better than the master." She added with a slight British accent.
   They then walked side by side to their big mansion that looked more like a small castle. They went inside, Alice to the kitchen to oversee the dinner meal. Johnathan went to their big library, where he usually reads until their father arrives. Servants bowed to him as he passed. He opened the oak door to the library, hearing its hinges squeak. Entering the library, he stopped. The door closed behind him as he stood starring at the person who stood with his back turned toward him. The man had an old worn military coat and a long sword sheathed at his side. Johnathan started to draw his sword that he still had from earlier. At the sound of a sword being unsheathed, the man spun around, a friendly smile on his face.
"So you must be Johnathan. It's been a long time no see, pal!" The man said extending a black leather gloved hand. Johnathan, with his sword still half drawn, stared back, a puzzled expression posted on his face.
"I'm sorry, but have we met before?" He asked guardedly.
"Of course, you just don't remember because you were only a little baby." The man said, placing his hand on the handle of his sword."I'm your uncle, Walker!"
Johnathan let his sword slam into its sheath. He stepped back towards the door, his face unbelieving.
"Prove it!" He demanded. Walker reached into one of his pockets, and slowly drew out an what looked like a half of a old picture. Johnathan snatched the picture and stared a long time at it. It showed a boy holding a sword in front of him with both hands, his feet slightly apart. The full picture had been torn in half, but Johnathan remembered that his father had given Alice the other half.
"That was me when I was younger." Walker said,"And the other half of this picture is your father."
"Okay, great! Your my uncle." Johnathan said sarcastically,"But why are you here? I know it's not just for visiting."
"Do you know the Chairman is resigning?" Walker asked.
"And you do know our custom?" He continued.
"Yea, why?"
"I want you to fight the Protector for me. I've seen how you fight, your an expert. If you win, you will get to govern a whole world,and I'll be the chairman, all your desires will come true!"Walker replied bluntly. Jonathan's face paled.
  "No!" He screamed at Walker," I am not about to commit suicide by taking an offer like that. I can't even beat my own sister at play fighting!"
"But you have no choice, because I already scheduled you to fight next week. And besides," Walker added slyly,"we all know you let your sister win because you love to see her happy."
"I already said no, and I don't have to fight until I sign the Seal with my blood." Johnathan said firmly. Now the Seal was a paper that stated that the fighter agreed to fight for the candidate. The fighter would prick his index finger and sign the paper with blood. Without the signature, the fight would never happen.
Johnathan turned to leave the room,but stopped as he heard Walker's sword slide out of its sheath. He felt the point touch the back of his neck.
"You're not leaving until you sign this paper." Walker said tensely.
Jonathan's hand, having been resting on the handle of his sword,now gripped the handle. With one swift move, he drew out his sword and spun around. A loud clash filled the room as metal met metal. Walker stepped back, surprised at the strength Johnathan used to hit his sword. They eyed each other, each one not sure if he should strike first.
    Then, with a swift motion, Walker slashed at Johnathan. Johnathan blocked it, but Walker slid his sword up to Jonathan's hand and soon Jonathan's sword lay on the ground. Walker pointed his sword at Johnathan, and slowly pushed himself between Johnathan and the door.
"Johnathan? Is everything okay in there?" The voice of Alice sounded from behind the door. Walker opened the door,grabbed Alice, and slammed the door shut. Putting his sword up to her neck, he faced Johnathan.
"I know I can't kill you, but she is of no use to me." He said seething." I'm going to count to 3, and if you haven't signed this,"throwing the paper at him,"I'll kill her."
Johnathan looked at his sister,who was trembling with fright.
Johnathan grabbed the paper and picked up his sword.
Johnathan pricked his finger and scrippled his signature on the paper.
"Okay, it's signed now leave!" He said throwing the paper to Walker. Walker pushed Alice into her brother, causing them to fall on the floor together and snatched up the paper. He turned to look at them before he left.
"Remember Johnathan, you're  my chosen one. Don't disappoint me." And with that, he was gone.

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