Author's Note

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This new, re-written version of the Diary of Rachel Lockhart (DORL) is currently in progress and is being entered into the 2016 NaNoWriMo competition.

The original version of this story was started back in 2006 when I first really got into Harry Potter. I had never read any of the books (Which is why it may seem very off point canonically) and had only seen the first three movies. The second movie, Chamber of Secrets, really stuck with me and I formed a rather large fascination with Professor Gilderoy Lockhart. Thus, this fanfiction was born.

However, it was poorly written and the main character had some rather 'Mary Sue' traits which is not acceptable in my writing anymore. She was rather like a self-insert too, which I despise. It served it's purpose back then, as I actually used the diary as my own way of getting real life drama off my chest. I was going through a difficult time with my home life and a lot of the struggles and issues contained inside are actually what I was dealing with at the time.

Now, I want to re-write the story that meant so much to me back then. While I shudder over how bad it is now, I want to do it justice. That is why I decided to re-write it, clean it up, make it make more sense and remove the hideous Mary Sue-ish traits contained in the original. I fully intend, now that I have seen all of the movies and had time to bother with the books, to write it correctly and have it make more sense.

My original intention was to have it run alongside the Chamber of secrets movie. The idea was that scenes in the movie would also correspond with the fic. (An example would be the duelling club scene, where Gilderoy winks into the crowd. It is in the original fic that he was winking at the main character who was off to the side and couldn't be seen in the movie.) I wante dthe fic to continue all the way to the end of the movie and beyond to where Gilderoy is sent to St Mungo's, but since I'd never read the books and seen past movie #3 I had to go off a very rough timeline I found on a website. That's why it was a little choppy here and there and also why there's mention of a lot of Muggle things. Now I have a better understanding of the world, I intend on reducing those Muggle references, give her some wizarding clothes instead of her Muggle wear, feature her work more and make reference to a lot more things that are within that universe.

With that off my chest, I hope you enjoy the re-write. There will be Harry Potter deliciousness, more canon references, more counselling, more details, less Mary Sueishness, more sex, more realism and a whole lot more Gilderoy charm.

Buckle up, bitches. It's going to be a magical ride!

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