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Madison's POV
Ethan's barely spoken since I told him; I can't just sit here and do nothing. While the doctor was with him I slipped out. I took my motorcycle to Grace's apartment. She had changed her surname back to her maiden name "Miller." There's been rumours she's trying to change Shaun's last name too, but I couldn't tell Ethan that, it would crush him.
I knocked on the door and waited. I heard a television, knowing someone was in - and I wasn't leaving without speaking to Grace. I knocked again, this time more eager. The door opened slightly. Grace's face appeared through the crack, a chain lock pulled taut across her face.
"Madison" she says. A brief silence let's me know that I'm not coming in.
"Hi Grace how are things?" We exchange a little small talk as if the situation was normal; Casual.
"How's he?" She avoids saying his name. Maybe she feels bad for him? Or maybe she feels so angry she doesn't want to say his name? That's the thing about Grace, she was often unreadable.
"Well, I told him about the custody battle and he's devastated." She seemed to retreat slightly. "Please go and see him and talk. He's not a monster."
"Madison" she pauses "have you been paying attention to the news" her tone was condescending.
"Look, I've been a journalist, they don't care about the consequences. Ethan is a great father. I mean, look at all he went through to get Shaun back."
"Shaun wouldn't have needed rescuing if he was being a good father. Look Madison I don't want to talk about this with you. You have no kids how could you possibly understand?"
"Grace, please, go and talk to Ethan. Do it for Shaun. I may not have kids but I know what it's like to be a kid in a one-parent family." She thought about what I said, briefly, before closing the door. I turn away, remembering my childhood...

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