I Meet A Boy Who Speaks Hellhound

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     After we got out of the city, AJ and I booked it out. Those furies may have not wanted to get us in the city, but now they would kill us. AJ and I ran into the forest area. Thankfully the brush was to thick for them to fly, but that did not stop them from running after us. AJ stopped and took a few shots at them killing one out of the five that were chasing us. The grandma fury throw her walker and I ducked to avoid it while AJ took another shot and turned the daughter into a pile of dust. Now all the furies left were mom, dad, and grandma. I was about to take a shot at the mom, but that is when I heard trees braking to the left of us. I though it was more of them, but it sounded a lot bigger than a fury

     Suddenly a hell hound came into my view, and I dove behind a tree to not get run over by the hound. It stopped and looked at me only to turn on the furies. It attacked them head on which was unusual since they both were working on the same side, to kill demigods. 

     "Hey is that the hell hound from earlier?" AJ asked now sitting by my side. I nodded as I watched the hound turn the mom and dad furies into dust. "Then now is our time to run, since the hound is distracting the furies." I nodded. AJ and I got up and ran to the left since the hell hound probable would not follow its own sent. 

     We stopped after running a few minutes gasping for air. I love to run, but this was ridiculous. Snap, went a twig from behind us. I turned back to see and saw the hell hound  just stand right there looking at me with its light blue eyes. I grabbed my bow and notched an arrow aimed between his icy eyes. I was ready to release the arrow until I saw a boy jumping up and down blocking my view. Un-notching my arrow, I could see the boy better. He looked a bit taller than me with dark black hair with long bangs in that naturally flowed over to the left side more than the right while the back was more clean cut than the shaggy front. His hair and clothing style reminded me of Nico's. The boy wore a dark black shirt with a silver wolf howling at the full moon along with light black jeans and pure black leather boots that were all ruffed up from walking a lot. 

     "Hey this guy is with me," he said to us.

     "How are we suppose to believe you since hell hounds usually kill people like us," I replied. He walked toward us with the hound in suit and stopped at a foot away from me. 

     "Because he could have attacked you, but he attacked those things instead," he said. His odd violet eyes stared at me like he was looking into my soul. I usually felt that way whenever Stephanie from the Hades cabin got made at me. 

     "You have a fair point," I replied. He then smirked at me as if I said something funny.

     "So I am guessing that you two are not normal since you can see those things like I can," he said with a smile.

     "Yeah, I am Art and that is my brother AJ," I said at AJ as he walked over to the hound and began to bet the hell hound. "AJ STOP PETTING THE HELL HOUND!" I yelled. He stopped petting the hound a backed away.

     "Nice to meet you, I am Zane. Or at least that is what he calls me," he said pointing at the hound. "Also, Ced here loves being petted." He smiled again looking at AJ and then back to me. 

     "Zane. Nice name, but what do you mean by 'he calls' you that?" I asked with a puzzled face.

     "He calls me Master Zane. Right now he is saying a little to the left," he said while turning to see AJ petting the hound again. AJ then moved his hand a little to the left scratching behind the hound's ear.

     "So let me get this straight, you can understand hell hound?" I asked. He replied with a nod before turning around to pat the hounds head.

     "Art, right?" he asked turning back to me. I nodded. "Ced here has been leading me to this place called Camp Half-Blood. Since you have that shirt on, you must be a demigod," he said.

     "Yes, I am a daughter of Apollo and AJ is my twin who is a son of Apollo. I am going to guess that he was leading you there because you are a demigod, too," I deduced. 

     "Yep, but you see I don't remember. I don't remember anything. All I know is that I am 15 and my name is Zane. Ced here said that I was in the Lotus Hotel in Las Vegas as punishment for something and that my memory well return to me something or another. That was three months ago," he said explaining his predicament. That must be hard not remembering who you are, whose son you were, who your other parent was. If I forgot AJ, it might be a relief for a while until I see all the holes in my memory that can never be filled.

     "Don't worry, maybe it will just take longer than expected," I replied taking a step to pat him on the shoulder. He smiled at my gesture of kindness, but I could never really understand how he feels.

     "Yeah for all you know you could remember something tomorrow that you did not know about today. Trust me my dad went through the same thing, but once he meet our mom, he started to remember a lot of things. So it could be that you haven't found the right person to help you remember," AJ suggested standing by Zane's side and putting his arm around him.

     "You could be right, but for now we should get going before more of those things come back for their fallen friends," Zane suggested. All of us nodded in agreement and went off into the forest with a new demigod and a hell hound he can understand.

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