"Not bad Pikachu" Ash mused with a grin.

"Pika" Pikachu said with a smile. Soon the tournament had begun. It was a simple one on one match and the winner advanced to the next round. Ash used Pikachu for most of the matches until he got to the top eight. After that he switched to Latios. Latios one the rest of his matches easily except his challenger in the final match put up a good fight, but was no match for Latios' power. The opponent used a Weaville and wore a suit of armor. After the match it was revealed that it was a girl under the armor and she introduced herself as Kidd Summers.

Now we skip ahead to the ball scene May was having fun dancing around with a young man around the room. Max was too young for this stuff so he sat with the Pokémon near the food table and ate his fill along with the Pokémon and made sure that Munchlax didn't eat everything in sight. Since Ash was the winner of the tournament he was forced to sit up on a chair near the Queen's thrown and look professional. He wasn't even allowed to go get food, which ticked him off. He had let his Pokémon out a while ago. Pikachu, Grovyle, Swellow, Corphish, Latios and Latias were enjoying themselves doing what they pleased without bothering anyone.

Soon the ball had come to an end and the fireworks would be set off as soon as Ash assumed to pose of Sir Aaron in the picture in the ball room and soon the fireworks were set off. Ash heard a voice crying out from the staff of Sir Aaron and soon it glowed brightly getting the attention of all those in the ball room. The glowing got brighter and soon out popped a Pokémon that was black and blue in color with a black mask on its face with long black ears that walked around like a human with paws instead of hands and feet.

It was the Aura Pokémon Lucario.

After a series of events they learned that Lucario was sealed into the staff by Sir Aaron over a thousand years ago. Lucario had a hard time believing that things had changed so much, but did explain the events that led to him being sealed up. The others couldn't believe that Sir Aaron would ever betray the queen, but they didn't know the whole story.

Before that had all gone on Max followed the Pokémon up the stairs into an attic and for a brief second he managed to see Mew Teleport away with Pikachu and Meowth. After telling Ash and the others the Queen asked if Lucario would escort them to the Tree of Beginning. Lucario was always loyal to the queen, and followed her ancestor's orders. Ash tried making friends with Lucario, but Lucario was rather cold and distant not trusting Ash at all. Kidd was also going to be accompanying them o their journey and offered to give them transportation.

Once morning came they set off on their journey to the Tree of Beginning. Before getting into Kidd's Hummer Ash asked why Lucario thought he was Sir Aaron when he came out of the staff. Lucario responded, "Your aura is similar to Sir Aaron's."

The ride there was not comfortable at all as the off road experience was very bumpy and caused them to hit their heads many times, except Kidd since she did this a lot. They got close to the Tree of Beginning before they stopped because of a bunch of erupting geysers in the roadway. May spotted a hot spring and they all took a break. May changed in the Hummer while Ash and Max were already changed and their Pokémon were enjoying a soak in the springs. Kidd wasn't all the way in. She was just sitting on the edge of the spring soaking her feet in the water.

While Kidd relaxed she took notice of Ash's Pokémon, specifically Latios and Latias as they both relaxed in the water. They weren't built for swimming, but they used psychic to stay afloat. "Hey Ash" she called getting his attention. "If I recall correctly both Latios and Latias are Legendary Pokémon. How did you come in possession of them?"

"That's a very long story" Ash said in nostalgic voice. "It was almost two years ago back when I was still competing in the Johto League. Me and my friends took a break in Altomare."

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