"Latios dragon rage now" Ash called. Latios opened its mouth again and formed a yellow energy ball and fired at Vigoroth. The attack hit Vigoroth head on and Vigoroth was sent flying back into the wall. The wall cracked and Vigoroth fell to the ground. Caroline, May and Max watched with opened mouths as Vigoroth didn't get up.

"Alright Latios good job" Ash called. Latios gave a small coo in response and looked ready for the next battle.

"Well Ash that was impressive" Norman said. "Your Latios is indeed very strong."

"Thanks Norman" Ash said smiling. Then the wall blew open sanding dust and debris all around the room "What the heck" Ash shouted.

"What's going on" May asked worried.

"Prepare for trouble from a hole in the wall" a woman said.

"Make it double you're in for a brawl" a male voice said.

"To protect the world from devastation"

"To unite all people within our nation"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love"

"To extend our reach to the stars above"

"Jesse" the female said revealing herself in the Team Rocket female outfit and her long red hair.

"James" the male said revealing himself in the male Team Rocket outfit with his shoulder length blue hair.

"Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light" Jesse finished.

"Surrender now or prepare to fight" James finished.

"Meowth that's right" said the Meowth appearing in between them.

(A/N: Just to let everyone know I died a little inside while typing this. To this day it still hurts.)

"Augh not you guys again" Ash moaned "I thought I lost you guys back in Johto.

"Not quite twerp" Jesse said with a smirk.

"Friends of your Ash" Caroline asked.

"No" Ash said dryly. "They're known as Team Rocket."

"I've never heard of them" Norman said confused.

"They're Pokémon thieves" Ash said shocking them. "They're active everywhere in the Kanto and Johto Regions. They're top notch Pokémon thieves that are wanted in every city."

"The twerp thinks we're top notch... Oh happy day" James said teary eyed.

"Though these three are just people who can't take a hint and keep following me" Ash ended with a smirk making all three of them face fault.

Jesse got up with a twitch in her eye, "That's it twerp you're gonna get it now. Arbok go" out came a massive king cobra shaped Pokémon. "Arbok use poison sting." Arbok hissed and fired off many purple needles from its mouth.

"Latios watch out" Ash called. Latios flew up and avoided the poison sting attack.

"Go Weezing" James called sending out a meteor shaped Pokémon that was connected with two heads. "Use smoke screen now" Weezing blew out a massive smoke screen from its mouth. It spread all around the room.

Ash and the others began coughing from the smoke "Hold your breath everyone" Normal called out.

"Now we'll be taking Pikachu and Vigoroth with us" Jesse called out triumphantly.

"That's what you think" Ash muttered "Pikachu use thunderbolt at full power." Pikachu's cheeks sparkled and with a loud cry Pikachu launched a massive thunderbolt. A loud cry met Ash's ears and he recognized it immediately, "Oh no Max you didn't get hit did you?"

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