Ash was really mad now, "FINE. You want a match then let's go. Choose your Pokémon."

"Very well" Sid smirked. "Blaziken let's go." Out came the massive flame Pokémon that Ash had already faced before.

"Latios I choose you" Ash called sending out Latios. Latios appeared with a cooed and hovered in front of Ash.

'What's going on Ash' Latios asked noticing the Blaziken in front of him.

'Read that kids mind' Ash thought darkly knowing Latios could read his mind. Latios did read the kids mind and Latios' eyes widened in anger.

'So this little insect thinks he can take me from you eh' Latios said in a tone darker than Ash's 'Well let's see him try it.'

"Blaziken use fire punch" Sid shouted. Blaziken's fist ignited with flames and it charged at Latios.

'Safeguard' Ash thought. Latios heard him and put up a guard around himself. Blaziken's fire punch hit Latios head on, but the safeguard was so powerful that it made Blaziken fly back from the backlash. 'Good now use dragon breath.' Latios opened his mouth and launched green energy in the shape of breath fumes towards Blaziken and it hit dead on causing Blaziken massive damage. 'Finish it with dragon rush.' Latios' body glowed and Latios charged at Blaziken and hit it hard knocking it out cold.

Sid growled when he saw Blaziken out cold, "Blaziken return" he grunted. He pulled out his next Pokeball, "Swellow I choose you." Out came a massive raven colored bird with a red belly. "Swellow use Ariel Ace." Swellow cried out and charged at Latios.

'Steel wing' Ash thought. Latios' wing glowed brightly and once Swellow got in close enough Latios hit it hard with Steel wing right in the head. Swellow fell to the ground out cold with swirls in its eyes.

Sid growled loudly and returned his Swellow, "How are you having Latios attack without saying anything?"

"Latios is part Psychic so as long as I think my attack and strategy then Latios can hear them" Ash said smirking.

"Which means I can't predict what attacks he'll use" Sid said and then he growled again and pulled out four Pokeballs. "Go Mightyena, Breloom, Camerupt, and Seviper." All four Pokémon came out in four separate flashes. Immediately the crowd began roaring at unfairness, but the two trainers ignored them, "All of you go and take down that Latios" Sid roared. All four Pokémon gave a roar and charged at Latios.

'Luster Purge now' Ash thought calmly. Latios opened his mouth and charged up his signature attack. Swirling purple energy built up in a ball form and then Latios launched it from its mouth and it struck all four Pokémon. When the explosion cleared it showed all four Pokémon out cold with swirls in their eyes.

Sid gaped in shock, "This... can't be." He fell to his knees and stared in shock.

"Good job Latios return" Ash called and returned Latios to his Pokeball. Ash stared down at the four down Pokémon and gave a small apology to them in his head and then he stared at the shocked form of Sid before closing his eyes and walking off. 'That kid still has a lot to learn if he ever wants a Legendary' Ash thought silently.

Sid pounded his fists on the ground and looked up and glared at the retreating form of Ash, "This isn't over" he growled silently. From in the crowd there were a few people staring at Sid and seemed to form grins on their faces.

Ash continued on until he came to a video phone and he dialled the number to Professor Burch's lab. An assistant answered the phone, "Hello" the assistant said.

"Hello I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town" Ash introduced. "Is Professor Burch around?"

"I'm afraid that Professor Burch is out doing field work right now, but I'm sure I can help you with whatever you need" the assistant said in a friendly voice.

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