"Mabel, come on, this isn't you. We'll figure something out." Wendy said kneeling next to Mabel.

"Mabel, we're here for you. Come on, lets go inside." Candy said. The group walked inside the shack.

"Hey let's all hang out here for the night. You can make us all some of you amazing pancakes in the morning." Pacifica said walking up to Mabel. She nodded her head with a sad smile. It was late so everyone got ready for bed. The group slept in the living room that night, spending their last day of summer with Mabel. Once Stan was sure everyone was asleep, he went down to Ford's office. When he got there he saw his brother crying, papers and his journals all over the floor.

"Ford?" Stan asked approaching his brother.

"I need to call Mabel's parents." Ford said lifting his head up off the desk. He walked past his brother and went upstairs to get a phone, leaving Stan to stand in the office by himself. After a few moments, he followed his brother upstairs and saw him hanging up the phone. He walked towards Ford and stood there for a moment, before pulling him into a hug. The twins stood there for a moment before letting each other go.

"Come on poindexter, let's get some sleep." Stan said as they headed off to bed.

The Next Morning
"We're gonna miss you Mabel." Candy and Grenda said, as they wished Mabel farewell.

"Me too guys." Mabel said sadly.
"Mabel, if anything happens here we'll make sure to call ok sweet pea?" Stan said to her.

"Ok Grunkle Stan. I'll miss you guys." Mabel said hugging her two Grunkles.

"We'll miss you too Mabel." Ford said hugging her. Mabel turned towards the bus and got on. The doors closed behind her, and she began her journey back home.

2 Years Later: Nightmare Realm


"Give me all you got Alcor! No holding back!" Gab said her hands ablaze with yellow flames. Bill watched on the sidelines of the arena as Alcor trained with Gab, Bill's twin sister. Alcor shot green fireballs at Gab who easily dodged them. She cast a spell that shot lightning down from the sky. Alcor cast a protecting spell to block the yellow lightning, then cast a spell that rebounded it back at Gab with double the power. She barely dodged the attack, and shot another spell towards Alcor. This went on for a while until Gab decided that it was time to stop. "You've made remarkable progress Alcor, I never expected you to rebound my lightning spell." Gab said impressed with Alcor's abilities.

"Well I did learn from the best." Alcor said smiling at his aunt and mentor. Gab messed up his hair then walked over to Bill to chat with him. Alcor fixed his hair and floated up into the air to admire the Nightmare realm. He decided to write down some of the other spells he learned in his journal. He snapped his fingers and a dark green book with a silver pinetree on the front with the number one on it appeared into his hand. It was a birthday gift from his father two years ago. He cherished it. The book was full of the different spells his dad and aunt have taught over the past two years. He had two other books just like it, each containing something different. The second book contained magical items he found here in the Nightmare realm and his third book contained the different creatures found in his home. As he was writing his father called him. Alcor floated down to his dad to see what he wanted.

"I'm being summoned to Gravity Falls and wanted to know if you would like to join me, you know, to log more facts in your journals." Bill said smiling.

"Yeah! I've pretty much written down everything I've learned and found here. It'd be good to learn and discover some more things to write down. I could use a scenery change too." Alcor said smiling.

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