"Libra, are you okay?" one of the villagers asked

I shook my head no. Scorpio told them I couldn't speak because I lost my voice. He also said that I'm really injured. The girl from the boat gently grabbed my hands and gestured her head to follow her. And I did. We walked down the road and we reached a small wooden house. She dragged me towards the door. She opened he door, let go of my hand and walked in. I walked in also. I looked around, its really nice. Then I sat on the couch. I see the girl with a bottle of blue liquid. What is that?

"You're probably wondering what this is" 

I nodded my head.

"I made this so just in case any of you Zodiac children got hurt and you're the only one that got hurt"

Good, I didn't want my friends to get hurt.

Then she handed me the bottle. I took it. I opened it and smelled it.

"It might smell and taste weird but it should help you heal" she said

I looked at her then the bottle. I put it towards my mouth and started to drink it. She is right, it does taste weird. I put the bottle down. I only took three sips. I put the bottle down on the table. Then I felt warmth go through my body. After a couple minutes the warmth went away. I took the bandages off of my legs, arms, and my stomach. Everything is healed. I looked up at the girl.

"Try to speak" she said

I nodded my head. Just say hi.

"Hi" I said

I smiled. The girl clapped. I looked up at her.

"What's you're name?" I asked


"Pretty name"

She smiled. "Thank you"

I got off the couch and walked towards the door. I hear her following me. I opened the door and walked out. I see my friends talking near the house.

"Hey Guys!" I yelled

I ran over to them. They turned and I see them smiling. But I see worried in their eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing" Leo said nervous

"There is something wrong I can see it in your eyes, tell me what's wrong"

"Fine, but you're not going to like it" Capricorn said

"I'm sure I can handle it" I said

"The King and Queen captured you're mother and plan on killing her this afternoon" Cancer said

"What" I said a little pissed

"What are they going to do?" Sabrina asked

"They are going to gut her"

Once I heard gut her, I immediately I ran to the edge of the village and jumped down on the ground next to the root. I landed on my feet. I see the lake river is really wide. I growled. I heard people coming down the ladder.

"Libra don't go, you'll probably going to get killed" Pisces said

"Like I care?! I don't want my last family member to die today!" I yelled

I backed up to the tree and then ran. I got to the edge and jumped. I'm flying toward towards the other end of the river. I see a tree that about to mess me up. I got closer to the other side. I kicked the tree and it fell down to its side. I landed on my feet on the soft grass. Then I looked forward and ran. I ran through the forest and up the hill. I see the castle from the top of the hill. I ran down the hill and towards the castle. After a twenty five minutes I got to one of the villages. I stopped in front of the sign to catch my breath. I put my hands on my knees and looked down. After a couple minutes I caught my breath and stood up. I looked at the sign above. The Bull Village. Then I ran again but I heard something behind me. I stopped and turn round and see my friends. I turned back around and ran. I ran through the village. After a couple minutes I made it to the  castle. I stopped in front of the gate. I heard my friend behind me. I put my hand on the bars. Then I pulled them away from each other. Then I broke the bars. Then I continued to brake the other bars. I broke the bottom bars and ran in. My friends are following me. I ran around the castle to get to the back. After fifteen minutes we made it to the back. I see my mom's hands tied to the top of a pole and her feet tied to the bottom. Then I see one of the guards walking towards with an axe. NO! I ran through the crowd. I see that I'm getting closer to guards that blocking the people so they don't go to the people that are getting killed. Then I heard someone say that I've never heard before.

"Kill that monster, it shouldn't have been created!"

I stopped in front of the guard. I formed my hands into fist. I turn and see the king. Then I see that he said that. I looked at the guard that's next to my mom. He lifted his axe up and then swung his axe at my mom. I looked at my mom and her last words were I love you. My eyes widen. I felt tears form in my eyes. Then I started to get angry. I ducked down and crawled under the guards. I stood up and ran towards the guard that is chopping my mom up. I summoned my sword and my armor.


I swung my sword and I sliced the guard in half. I turn to face the King and Queen. I see fear in their eyes. I smiled.


I heard everyone gasped. I didn't care.

~The King's POV~

I see Libra's eyes are turning red. Her eyes are filled with betrayal, anger, hatred, and it looks like she wants to kill everyone here, mainly my wife and I. Then out of no where a fire started around her.

~Libra's POV~

All I see is red. Then fire started around me. I lifted up my hands a little and the fire got higher. Then I felt myself turning into my phoenix. Once I fully transformed I saw everyone getting scared. I took a step forward and I saw the king and queen flinch.

"You shall watch you're castle burn down, right in hell!" I yelled

Then I ran over and stopped right in front the King and Queen. I see fear I their eyes. If only I could smile. Then my fire surrounded them. I heard the guards putting out the fire. Once they did, I felt pain. But I didn't show that I'm getting hurt. Then I pointed my right wing to the king and queen and my fire went towards them. Then remembered something. I looked over at Capricorn. I put my wing down and the fire went away. Then all the fire went away. I turned back to my human form. I looked up at the King and Queen.

"Why did you stop?" The Queen asked

"It would not be for to Capricorn, I would of killed you guys" My sword and my armor went away. I tuned to my friends and smiled. Then I see their eyes widen. I turned back around then I felt something go through my gut. I look up and see one the rich fuckers. I couched up blood.

"You should die, just like your mother" he said

My eyes widen. Then I got angry. I grabbed the sword and put pressure to the blade. Then after a couple seconds the blade broke. He backed up in fear. I grabbed the piece of the blade that's in my gut and pulled it. Then I felt myself healing. I looked up at the guy with anger in my eyes.

"You shouldn't have done that" I growled

I grabbed his throat and lifted him up. Then I threw him towards one of the guards swords that is pointing at me. Then i see the sword in his shoulder. Then I started to cool down. My friends are walking towards me. They hugged me. After a couple seconds they broke the hug.

"Since she's gone, we shall lock up her daughter and never let her out!" The King yelled

What? Everyone cheered, I heard my friends even Capricorn yelling at the King and Queen. I looked up at the King and Queen. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks. I looked down at the ground. Then I felt arms around mine. I looked up and see guards. Then they put chains around my neck, wrists, and ankles. I tried to break them but I couldn't. Why me?

Hey guys! I hoped you liked this chapter.  I made the chapter longer this time. Anyway I'll see you guys in the chapter. Peace Out! Also will try to update tomorrow when I get home after school. :)

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