Birthday Surprise [ Special Chapter ]

Start from the beginning

"Stop being so cute, (Nickname)-chin~! That's not fair, I can't control myself like this."

"E-Ehh?! W-W-W-What's that supposed to mean?!"

"What it actually means ~"


After a while of walking together, hand in hand on your way to school, you could tell that your boyfriend was kinda off. It's like he was waiting for you to say or do something, which you clearly know, but avoid anyway. You already prepared a really big surprise for him.

Recalling it, your cheeks turned really rosy as your body temperature rose up. Stealing glances from your boyfriend, you squeezed his hand in yours, grinning at him cheerfully.

' Ahh, that smile. ' He placed his free palm on the spot of his heart, his chest. ' It makes me feel warm.. Right in there.. ' Thought the purple haired teen as he blushed unconsciously.

Leaning down to your height, Atsushi caged your chin between his long fingers, zooming his face into yours as he slowly kisses you, with a bit of seriousness mixed up with his emotions. His serious kiss tasted like fried eggs and milk.

"(Nickname)-chin. I love you and I don't want anyone to take you away from me."


School was done for the day and you had to avoid going home and rush to Himuro's instead, it's where everyone is preparing to hold the party up there after all. Yes, Murasakibara's birthday party.

You were told that you're going to dress up as a cute kitten. The clothing was plain white with cat ears and claws, of course it was covered in a realistic soft fur. When you're done dressing, you were supposed to hide in a box where they will wrap it up with different kinds of decorative gift wrappers.

Thinking it might make and surprise your boyfriend, you approved of this brilliant idea with encouragement. Everyone was now dressing up and putting the finishing touches around the whole house. You hid inside the gigantic gift box, feeling like you were carried by a person way back to the wall, where all the presents were originally placed.

After a few minutes, someone knocked the door and everyone hid.

"Hello..? Hello..!"

It was definitely none other than your partner, Murasakibara Atsushi.

"Fine if you're all playing that game then I'm coming in without permission. Hmph!"

The door was kicked wide open, as Atsushi's figure appeared in everyone's vision. Himuro whispered a countdown from three to one, jumping out of nowhere at Atsushi with the rest of the Yōsen team excluding coach Araki.

"Happy Birthday!" They all shouted in unison.

"E-Eh..? I thought you all forgot about my birthday."

"Haha, what are you blabbering about, Atsushi? No way we would." Chuckling, Himuro assured him as he placed his hand on his back, rubbing it continuously.

"Yeah, if we did, you'll crush us anyway." A blonde male stated sarcastically before cracking up a laugh.

"Thats was rude.. Fukui-kun. Thee shall be more nicely in Murakisabara-kun birthday time party!" None other than your Chinese club-mate, Wei Liu, spoke up right after Fukui, slapping his shoulder carefully.


"I wanna open my gifts first, then we're going to party." Demanded Murasakibara as he swiftly ran up to the huge box.

"W-What about me?! I DIDN'T EVEN START TALKING!" Crying in devastation, the basketball club captain stated before everyone ignored him, following the purple haired guy.

You could feel him unwrapping the gift wrappers warily, which was really unusual of him. "Oh, by the way. Where's (Nickname)-chin? I don't see her." He paused before speaking up.

"Um, she's in the bathroom." Coming up with brilliant excuses, Himuro answered rather quickly, kicking off everyone's anxiety of him finding out.

Being convinced, your boyfriend completely unwrapped his gift and was about to see what's inside, until you instantly jumped off, tackling him down in a tight embrace.

"Nyaan~ Happy birthday, Atsu-kun!" Licking his face, you perfectly acted up like little girls who play as a cat shown on animes and cartoons. Blushing furiously, you swiftly gave him a peck on the cheeks before smiling up at him.

"(N-Nickname)-chin? (NICKNAME)-CHIN?!" Settling down, Atsushi sat on the floor before placing his palms on your hips and lifting you up a bit, gazing right into your eyes.

"You're so cute~ Stay like this forever ~"

His Favorite Maiubo [ Murasakibara Atsushi X Tall!Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now