Chapter 9

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"What is it, Coach?" You cocked a brow up, asking your coach.

"I was about to give my boys a lecture about next week. Glad you came. Come and listen."

You were curious right now. 'Next week? What's going to happen next week?' You wondered, approaching the crowd that was formed in front of the couch.

"Okay. Listen up. The Inter High for basketball this year is going to start in a month or two. We have to be prepared for it. Training normally in this gym won't change anything. Not at all."

She sighed and her eyes sharpened, as a smirk grew on her perfect face.

"I had a deal with our school. Since it's the beginning of the year, it's a lot easier. And they hopefully agreed. The basketball club is going to go for a training camp for three weeks. All the necessary players, the substitute and extra players, the coach, and the manager are going to go. The rest will stay and train in the gym."

Declared the coach sternly as the crowd cheered in excitement and happiness. Some were a feeling down, since they won't participate, some were sighing because they thought it was a drag, and some had the expression as if nothing happened.

As for you, you were completely pleased and thrilled. It was like adding a refreshing piece to your boring life.

You couldn't wait to return home and tell your mother about it. You hoped that she would agree for you to go alone with the club.

Masako Araki ordered the boys to begin training as usual for now, and approached you. You stared at the notebook that was being carried by her hands. She came to you, with an unstable expression.

"Hey, (Y/N). Take a look at the training regiment that I have settled for the campaign week. What do you think about it?"

She handed you the notebook, and waited for you to reveal your expression and tell her your opinion about her work. You gladly took it from her hands, and scanned the pages.

"Woah! That's a lot! They're really going to get it in the training camp." You giggled. "But overall I think that you really did a great job, Coach. I think you know better, so I'm not one to talk though." You rubbed the back side of your head and cracked a chuckle.

Masako smiled and patted your head. She seemed so happy. She wasn't the type to get all happy about the little things.

You were a bit confused, but also glad that she was so cheerful about it. A smile grew on your lips as you realized how much you loved your team and the coach.

Soon, everyone was done with the training and you did your job, as usual. You waited for Murasakibara to get out of the showers so you could go to his house with him to take the kitten back home.

'Murasakibara-kun is surely taking his sweet time in the showers. I can't blame him, though. Even he won't stand out Coach's heavy training.' You thought to yourself.

Abruptly, large figures appeared from the showers. You took a quick glance and spotted Murasakibara. He surely was noticeable, because of his unique physical features.

"Hey, (Nickname)-chin. Let's go back home to take the little kitty."

"Sure!" You smiled.

Both of you exited the gym beside each other. You were currently walking on the side-walk, as typical Murasakibara established eating his snacks. You sighed and then smiled at him.

"Do you want some, (Nickname)-chin?" He asked, handing you one of his favorite candies.

"Of course!"

You took it from him, and began unwrapping it. You ate it and it tasted so sweet. You thanked him.

"You're really kind, Murasakibara-kun. You know that?"

"Actually, the reason why I don't have many friends is because of my height.. People think I might hurt them.." He replied with a stoic expression.

"I don't know.. But the Murasakibara-kun I know is very kind and nice. Don't let people judge you."

You stared into his purple eyes as his expression changed. He seemed shocked and surprised, too. As if he was taken aback by your words.

You hoped that you didn't offend him, since that's the last thing you would ever do to him.

"(Nickname)-chin.. You're so kind and cute.. You're fluffy too and pure.." He said with a smile, as his large figure leaned to you.

His enormous hands intertwined with yours, as he got closer to you. He gazed into your eyes, and gave you a little but quick peck on your cheek.

"I couldn't resist.. You're so cute, (Nickname)-chin."

You swore you could have exploded from how red was your face and how heated up were your cheeks. You were blushing so hard that you couldn't believe what had just happened.

'D-Did Murasakibara-kun kiss me just now..?'

"I-I-I-It's okay..!" You stuttered.

He released one of his hands off yours but kept the other intertwined with yours while walking with you back to his home.

You had a little conversation with him. Soon, you arrived as Murasakibara excused you and asked you to stand in front of the door so he could get the kitten.

You waited as he entered his house. You could hear his mother squeal and just hug him, at least that's what you have guessed.

After a while, he finally came with the Scottish kitten in his arms. You glanced at it and you just remembered that it was so cute.

"Sorry, (Nickname)-chin. Mommy-chin wanted me to do something for her. Let's go, I'll walk you home.~" Spoke Murasakibara, tying his hair into a ponytail, but leaving his bangs aside.

"N-No, it's okay.. Y-You don't need to walk me home. I can go alone."

"Nah. I'm taking you home, (Nickname)-chin.~" He insisted, and dragged you along.

"W-Wait, don't do it the kitten will fall!"


You soon, you arrived at your house with Murasakibara. You looked at him, and he seemed overwhelmed at its look. You never knew why though.

You bowed, thanking him passionately. "Thank you so much, Murasakibara-kun, for being so kind and getting me home! I owe you a big time!" You then gave him a medium sized bag of snacks as an award.

"Ooooh~ Thanks, (Nickname)-chin~!"

"You're welcome, Murasakibara-kun."

You then entered your house. You saw your mother literally jumping from the stairs and running towards you. 'Oh shit the kitten's gonna die!' You thought to yourself as you swiftly placed it on the table nearby.

Your mother jumped on you, almost tackling you to the ground. "OH I MISSED YOU, MY BABY! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN AND HOW IS EVERYTHING?!" She faked tears but then laughed.

"I'm fine, mom. Thanks, I'm going to change now."

You spoke and went to dress up inside your bedroom.

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