chapter one

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I always asked my parents why they thought it was a good idea to name me Eucalyptus. My mom said she thought it was a good idea at the time. My dad said he was pretty sure it was supposed to be Emerald but somehow doctors handwriting destroyed my life. Sometimes I am not sure how that would be better.
I go by Lypus sometimes or Eu.
I have even dyed my hair a jade green but my dark brown almost black roots have grown far. My tan skin and brown hair come from my mother. She was Mexican and had tan skin and dark brown hair. My dad was Lithuanian meaning my cousins looked nothing like me. It was kinda embarrassing not that it mattered though.
After everything happened to Jade more spot light went to her.
I had dark brown eyes. They kinda looked black gray and brown to some people but they were just dark brown.
I had a sense of style that really could be described as rude. My shirts had a lot of words on them. Most where my telling people to do something.
They one I chose for the first day of school was a black one with white writing on it that said, "Can you feel the love to night?"
Then below it, it read, "Of course not. Look at yourself."
I loved shirts like this. The handwriting for the top half was nice and pretty but the bottom was written messy. My jeans was ripped up and I had on knee high boots. I also brought a hoodie just incase something happened that didn't let me entire the school because of my outfit.
I grabbed my bag and left. I walked to the top of my block. I saw maybe 4 or more kids. I called everyone a kid. Just a habit.
I walked up and saw a bunch of peoples mouths moving. Did I forget to mention I was deaf? I had been deaf since I was 13. Yes I know I am currently 14, almost 15. I went deaf in my left ear when I was 10. I was lossing hearing in my right ear and it went after 3 years.
I waved slightly. I signed to them even though they probably didn't know ASL.
(Author note. I will use •hello• when ever she signs. I hope that is okay)
•Hello, my name is Eucalyptus. I am wondering if you know how to sign?• I asked. One girl knocked a sleeping girl off of the weird thing she was sleeping on. The girl signed.
•What the fuck asshole!?! I didn't ask for that crap! I didn't wake you up on Tuesday!• The hot pink haired girl said. Her red eyes looked enraged.
I kinda got scared. Red eyes were usually rare. Not many people had them. Then i almost wet myself because a tall boy stood behind the pink hair girl. He had pale skin and dark brown eyes. His long brown hair was in a pony tale. He looked scary as well.
The pink girl held her hand up. The boy stopped. I noticed a line coming out of her jacket. Like ink/tattoo.
She fixed her self quickly and sent me a look.
•Names Phoenix.• She just signed out the letters and the showed me the sign for her name. It was sleep with a P.
•I'm Eucalyptus.• I just spelt out my name. I never had a sign. I never stayed long in a deaf school. We moved a lot.
•No sign for your name?• She asked confused.
•Never given one. I moved a lot. I normally go by Lyptus or Eu anyway.• I shrugged. I looked arounded and noticed the small crowd. 6 other people.
•I'm sorry these are my friends. The tall guy is my cousin. That's his 2 brothers. That's Petyr. And that's Mabel and Galaxy.• She signed out the two names.
•What are their names and name signs?• I asked. Might as well make small talk with the one person who can sign.
•You can ask them......Did Galaxy make it seam like I only knew ASL? Asshole she is. She knows it. I think the only one who may have problems is Hunter and thats because he gets confused with his signs.• She glared off at a girl with perfect makeup and galaxy coloured hair.
•Ok....thanks?• She already left.
Authors note
Okay so I just wanted to say that i have never meet a deaf person. I am just basing all of my signing off of my own signing that i know, books i have read that have had deaf characters *that means books on wattpad*, and friends that are like i know everything about sign language. They actually just Googled it. If I wrote something wrong please tell me so i can fix it. I'd appreciate it. I hope you enjoy this story! Thanks and bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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