Life and Death

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Lydia's POV

I sat down on soft grass next to Will. As I lie down I try to make out small images in the clouds.

"That one kinda looks like a whale,"  Will laughed.

"Haha, yeah it does," I replied.

We sat gazing at the clouds for a few more minutes when a felt a warm hand softly latch onto mine. I slowly turn my head to see Will smiling at me. He was adorable as he started leaning towards me. But we both let go when we heard a suspicious rustling from above and behind us. I slowly sat up from the grass and looked around. I jolted and turned when I heard Will struggling.

A man in black put a cloth over Will and I stood in horror and he hastily and struggled to stay awake. But he soon lost that battle as he dozed off. I stood petrified not know how to function or what to do.

But I couldn't think of that as the same cloth was over my mouth. I elbowed the man and tried to fight, but I couldn't, I was too scared.
As my tears made my vision blurry and my hearing faded, "Quiet Lydia, It'll be over before you know it..." I barely heard the man's muffled voice.

I felt my body go limp and my vision faded completely. What's going to happen to me? What's going to happen to Will? Oh my god. This will be the day I die.


Hiiiii. Im quite new to the horror genre but I have faith in this. This is based off a dream I had soo it may be a little chaotic. Plz vote this I would appreciate the crap out of ya <3

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