Chapter 14: A Fresh Start

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 Emaan had managed to find a hiding spot amongst the trees. She huddled into a ball in the nook of a tree. She hoped no one would find her. She felt ashamed. She had told her mother about the party, but she didn’t want her father knowing. His face shook her to her core. That look of disappointment would plague her mind for many years to come.

 “Emaan, I know you’re in here”. Amina’s voice called into the trees. She was too tired to respond, too ashamed. “There you are Emaan, we’ve been looking all over over” Amina touched Emaan’s shoulder obviously concerned. Not disgusted. “Don’t bother” Emaan said gloomily. Amina sighed deeply “Emaan it wasn’t that big of a secret you know” she stared hard at Emaan.

  Emaan knew Amina was just trying to cheer her up. “You’re just saying that” she tucked her head into her knees. Amina snorted “Trust me you weren’t that discreet, you kept flinching whenever I mentioned Abyan” She hadn’t done that, had she?  “I saw you leave, I thought you’d be back early, your Mom was about to come in to our room so I’m sorry I kind of told her” Amina looked down and bit her thumb. “please don’t be mad, Emaan at the time I thought it was best for you please-“ Emaan shot herself at Amina. “Oh shut up you goof bag, you saved me from my Mom’s full wrath” she chuckled loudly. “Oh Allah, why was I so mean to you?” she questioned herself.

  Amina smiled finally and sat closer to Emaan. “I won’t lie though Emaan your Dad went ballistic, he was yelling up until your mother dragged him away” Emaan resumed her gloomy expression and tucked her head away. “Oh calm down you! He’s not angry any more, but you missed a really shocking scene”. Emaan perked up trying not to look too interested. “Jeez your like an old house wife listening to the latest gossip subhannallah, I’m only telling you this because you’ll hear it later, but after Abyan’s random outburst, Haleema came over with her purse and started to beat Abyan. I think she sort of knew about Abyan but man she was furious” Emaan’s jaw dropped. Haleema was always so shy and quite, she’d never do that.

 “I swear Emaan I’m going to help Abyan if it’s the last thing I do, Haleema said that Abyan would be staying an extra month while they went back tonight.” “Tonight!” she exclaimed truly shocked. This was the first time she was hearing of this.  “Oh ya, you ran off before the announcements, boy did you miss out on a lot”. “I thought you were all looking for me!”

   Amina laughed at Emaan’s dismay. “Calm down, we wanted to give you some space, anyways so its was only like 1 or 2 announcements but still, Haleema has decided to go back to Hamilton with Zahir tonight because they found a cheap ticket, Abyan will be staying with Aunt Jamillah and Uncle Hashim” Emaan couldn’t believe that he of all people would keep her aunt and uncle company. Amina on the other hand huffed happily. “I told you I’d change him, I’ll smack him awake for Fajr every morning”. 

  Emaan waited for Amina’s other news. “Alright Miss. Impatient, your mother and Haleema talked a bit and she decided to move to Hamilton for your first year at college. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news”. Amina had thought it would crush her, but oddly enough Emaan felt happy. How awkward would it be going back to Toronto with a new lifestyle completely different from theirs. She had dreaded the moment of meeting her friends and explaining her why she couldn’t go to that concert or party. 

Emaan smiled at Amina “silly it isn’t bad news, I’m glad” Amina beamed. Suddenly she became serious. “Emaan you know you’ve passed right?” Emaan stared at her ridiculously. “Do you remember when I first agreed to teach you? We did a lesson on Shahada but then you thought I just gave up right?” Emaan realized how right Amina was. She believed Amina had become frustrated with Emaan’s slow progress and  quit on her. “You see I didn’t formally teach you, but you learned, you’ve been praying, and reading Quran to recite during prayer and even paying Zakat when we go out into the markets”

  Emaan grasped the meaning behind Amina’s words. She had actually gotten into the habit of what a true believer should do. “Congratulations student Emaan, you have passed Amina’s school of Muslim teachings! Oh I’m so proud” she wiped at an imaginary tear causing Emaan to snort while giggling. “You know you’re so lucky, A fresh new start to a fresh new Emaan with fresh new faces…or familiar ones” She winked. “Oh Amina come off it” she swatted at Amina. “You know he was so worried about you, he was going to go check on you but he knew that would be wrong, such a good Muslim boy, he told me to make sure you were okay” Emaan’s cheeks flamed. “Amina Asaf this means war, prepare yourself for battle!” Amina burst into giggles and ran away followed swiftly by Emaan.

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