Chapter 7: Lesson's Begin

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 When Amina said that she would teach her, Emaan had thought lessons would begin immediately but sadly she was mistaken. She had not been ushered from her bed to pray Fajr or reminded for any other daily prayer. Emaan could also sense that Amina was ignoring her. Every time Emaan would approach Amina, she’d jump and sprint to the nearest exit. She didn’t understand it, 4 days ago she was groveling to Emaan about change and now she’s running away. By the time the day came to a close Emaan was fed up, she marched up into their room and slammed the door closed.

“This is what you call teaching?? Running away?” Emaan yelled furiously.

Amina stared up and started to laugh. Her laugh gradually built up into hysterics. Emaan’s anger boiled and her face flushed red. How dare she laugh when I’m being serious! She fumed. Emaan turned on her heels and headed for the door when Amina called out to her.

“Wait wait, I’m sorry,” she said pausing to catch her breath. She inhaled deeply, coughed a little and spoke again. “You took longer then I expected, I was testing you silly I wanted to see if you REALLY wanted to try so I tested you and well, you passed!” she giggled to herself pumping her fists up in triumph.

Emaan stood staring, eyes bulging and mouth hanging open. She was still angry, very angry. She grabbed a cushion off the floor and launched it at Amina. Amina burst out into hysterics again and hurled pillows and clothes at Emaan. Squeals and giggles filled their room and by the time they were done, clothes and pillows were scattered all over. They both were lying on the floor, arms behinds their heads with big smiles plastered upon their faces.

"Okay so we are going to start with one of the most important things, your belief. Amina and Emaan were outside in Aunt Jamillah’s garden shaded by the large orange tree. Both sat cross-legged facing one another. Emaan already believed that there was a God but she didn’t understand how she was supposed to express that. Amina nodded understanding Emaan’s blank stare.

“The Shahada is like a testimony saying “I believe in one God and that Prophet Muhammad (PBU) is his messenger, don’t worry though I’ll take you through it step by step, have you ever heard it done before?”

Emaan thought about it for a little. Maybe she had heard it but couldn’t remember exactly what was said. She shook her head.

“No problem, okay so we’ll start off in English: there is no other god” Amina started moving her hands for Emaan. Emaan followed her lead and repeated with Amina. “But Allah, and that Prophet Muhammad (PBU) is his messenger.” 

“Okay so that’s in English, were going to try it in Arabic now okay?” Amina questioned excitedly.

Emaan had remembered her Islamic classes. Kids would always tease her about pronunciation and inability to translate. She had given up on trying when she reached the 7th grade and never went back to her Islamic studies class.

“Don’t worry, we’ll go through it slowly like we did with the English part. Emaan felt a little silly repeating after her like she was in 3rd grade but continued anyways. “

Ash haddu” she began prompting Emaan to follow again. “alla ilaha illAllah, wa ash haddu anna Muhammadar-Rasululah”.  When they finished Emaan felt discouraged. When she spoke aloud she sounded horrible and was waiting for Amina to laugh, but that didn’t happen. Amina clapped her hands and smiled. “See! You’re a Muslim!” she exclaimed.  

Emaan blinked at her “But I didn’t say like you did” she replied confused.

Amina shook her head “Jeez its not about how you say it! Its about what your saying! And let me just say that it sounded beautiful to me”. Amina was overjoyed; Emaan could see it, but she knew she must be telling the truth. Since she doesnt lie and all

“Now we celebrate with scoops of ice-cream with my not-really-a-friend Emaan!!” Amina exclaimed and marched towards the house. Emaan couldn’t help but roll her eyes and reluctantly followed Amina inside.

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