Chapter 6: Acceptance

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 The streets of Marrakech were filled with the noises of people and car horns. Emaan sat quietly contemplating her earlier gesture.  She didn’t know what possessed her to help out the old beggar. Maybe it was her appearance? Or her unanswered cries for help?  She couldn’t understand, but something forced her to help out.  She continued to ponder her situation while Aunt Jamillah and Medina chatted.

Amina entering the car snapped her out of her trance. Amina smiled and gave a little wave and sat down next to her. What on earth? I could’ve sworn she was angry? Emaan scooted over and stared out her window ignoring Amina’s hello.

“Amina what did you learn today??” Aunt Jamillah questioned.

“Oh a couple of the younger kids came to our class and shared stories, mashallah this 6 year old was already telling me the story of Adam, it was very touching” Amina responded heartfelt. Emaan resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

Why is it that Amina has to act self-righteously in her presence? Didn’t she know how embarrassing it was?

“Mashallah Amina that’s wonderful, we went to the market today you know? Subhanallah an old woman was begging for help and no one was listening! It broke my heart! Before I could do anything Emaan was already off buying the whole market for her!! Such a kind heart she has don’t you agree” Aunt Jamillah gushed.

Emaan ducked her head and blushed furiously. Amina reached out to touch Emaan’s shoulder but she flinched away.  She could tell that she offended Amina, but she didn’t want her sympathy. The rest of the car ride was filled with light conversation in the front and a heavy silence in the back.

 As soon as the car slid into the driveway, Emaan made a mad dash to her room greeting her Uncle and Father along the way.  She flung herself into bed and pretended to sleep although it was only 6 in the evening. Amina opened the door slowly and plopped herself down onto the other twin bed. Silence. Amina let out a heavy sigh and began to speak.

  “Um, Emaan I just wanted to tell you that I’m truly sorry if I disrespected you in any way, I know we got off on the wrong foot at the airport and I can feel that you don’t like me but I would really like it if we could be friends”. Amina stuck out her hand and flashed a shy smile.

Emaan rolled over and stared at her coldly. “How can we be friends if you don’t even understand me?” Emaan questioned, irrigated by the sudden suggestion of friendship. Thinking that Amina would finally back down, Emaan started to turn back until Amina interrupted her. “

"I know I don’t understand you but id like too! But I feel like you wont let me”. Emaan looked at Amina and saw how hard she was trying, but she wasn’t going to give up that easily.

“Why do you want to be friends with me? Were like the total opposite, I’m not even a good Muslim” Emaan huffed at Amina. Amina pondered this for a minute and responded quietly.

“I know you think that but I don’t, you are a good Muslim, I mean you do believe in God right?”

Emaan stared back at her confused then nodded slowly.

“Then that’s good!!! The rest just needs time!” Emaan rolled her eyes

“I don’t have time, I’m way beyond being saved, besides I don’t even know what to do”. Amina clapped her hands together "Its settled I have the perfect plan! But first do you want to change?” Amina questioned  waiting for Emaan.

Emaan thought about that, did she really want to change? She knew that this plan wouldn’t work, but something deep inside pressured her into saying yes. Amina took her silence as a yes and exploded with cheers. Emaan couldn’t help but give a small smile but she was still confused. “Wait what’s this plan your talking about, and I hope you don’t think that because of this we’ll be besties or something” Amina stopped bouncing and gave her an evil grin

“Of course I didn’t think it would be that easy and you said you needed help right?”

Emaan’s brow furrowed even more “Well duh, I don’t even know how to start”.

“Well that’s my plan: I’ll teach you!!”

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